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Advices Incoming

At the Institute of Sociology you receive 3 ECTS points for completing a course with a certificate of participation. This requires regular and active participation, but no term paper or essays and your performance will usually not be graded. If you complete a course with a certificate of achievement you will get 7 ECTS points. This requires a term paper or essays, an oral examination or a written test in addition. In this case your performance will usually be graded. If you attend courses at other FU institutions, such as language courses, you receive the number of ECTS points determined by the other institution. Please contact the ERASMUS coordinators of the respective departments or institutes for more information.

If you want to improve your German with support of the FU’s language center you will find more information here: https://www.sprachenzentrum.fu-berlin.de/sprachangebot/sprachen/index.html