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Written application with the following documents:

  • Application form
  • CV
  • Letter of motivation
  • Transcript of Records or bachelor degree certificate
  • Enrolment certificate
  • Declaration/certificate of language skills

Please send your application to your Erasmus coordinator (contact person see below) at the Institute for Sociology with the subject “Erasmus Application”.

The application deadline is 31st of January (for both winter and summer term).

Please name up to three universities you would like to apply for.

Selection of candidates

As of February, the applications are examined. If there are enough places for everyone candidates will quickly be notified. If there are not enough places candidates will be invited to an interview which will take place in the last weeks of the lecture period.

Selection criteria:

  • enrolment in the master’s program "Sociology - European Societies"
  • no current alternative Erasmus application
  • language skills
  • quality of the letter of motivation (above all understandable reasons for project of studying abroad)

If there are not enough places the following additional criteria will be applied:

  • quality of the interview
  • no long previous stay abroad
  • academic performance
  • social or academic commitment 

Following the interviews candidates will be informed about the decision made. The candidates who have been chosen are required to notify the Erasmus coordinator about whether they accept their place by 15 March at the latest. 

Please also contact the Erasmus Coordinator in order to complete the Learning Agreement. Please contact Prof. Ohr for matters regarding the recognition of academic achievements.

Erasmus Coordinator at the Institute of Sociology:

[Position currently vacant]

Meanwhile, please contact the Institute's secretary, Antonia Hausen (Garystr. 55, 14195 Berlin, room 324)

Email: erasmus-sociology@polsoz.fu-berlin.de