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How to access literature from outside the Campus?
Connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) of Freie Universität Berlin:

1. Download the software “AnyConnect Client” (https://www.zedat.fu-berlin.de/VPN - choose your respective operating system)
2. Click on the AnyConnect-Icon. Choose the name of the VPN-Server (vpn.fu-berlin.de), then click connect.
3. Enter your username and password and press ok.

Mailing Lists: We run two mailing lists that students of our program can subscribe to:


This is our internal mailing list for important information about the MA program, advertisments, events, etc. With this list, you get regularly informed about teaching, research, and job offers at the Institute and its affiliated research centers. You can subscribe to the internal mailing list here.


This is our external mailing list for external job advertisements and information on academic events that are not organized by members of the Institute but might still be relevant to you. You can subscribe to the external mailing list here.

You can also use this mailing list to inform your fellow students about events, job advertisements, etc. Please note, however, that the mailing list is moderated and only relevant content will be forwarded.

In principle, we are unable to assist with visa application procedures. However, the program can issue a letter confirming that the MA is an in-presence program, emphasizing the expectation for students to be in Berlin, especially at the commencement of the lecture periods. Additionally, upon request, we can furnish a letter specifying the language of the program, affirming that the MA program is entirely conducted in English. All compulsory lectures and the majority of seminars are exclusively offered in English.

Regrettably, beyond these services, we cannot contact embassies or provide any other forms of documentation.

Please ensure that you apply for your visa (if needed) well ahead of time. If you anticipate any difficulties or delays, kindly contact your respective lecturers to inquire whether they would be willing to accept delayed arrival in Berlin.