Online Assistant for Study Choice (OSA)
Since June 2011, the first FU Berlin Online Assistant for Study Choice (OSA) has been available to prospective students for the Bachelor programme of Media and Communication Studies as an advisory tool.
The OSA is a self-assessment advisory tool for prospective students to illustrate content, procedures and demands of a particular subject with the aid of pictures, graphics, interviews, texts and videos, interactive semester timetables, example tasks, application checks and much more.
Further to this, the Online Assistant for Study Choice should help prospective students to check if the delivered content fits with personal expectations and ideas of a degree subject.The OSA
Up until now, OSA is only available in German.
The OSA for Media and Communication Studies is available to use on any computer with an internet connection. To play the videos and to use the interactive elements the computer requires a flash player. The duration of the OSA for the BA in Media and Communication Studies takes around 30 – 45 minutes.
Where necessary, a version of the OSA for people with disabilities (pdf) (German version) is available in a separate document.
Genesis and Pilot Project
The basis for the Online Subject-Choice Assistant was a working group across the Department led as part of the operations of Quality Assurance | Teaching and Curriculum in the Department of Political and Social Sciences to conceptualise and design an OSA for all areas of the department.
The OSA of the Media and Communication Studies was developed, based on this groundwork, in connection with a pilot project of the operations of Quality Assurance | Teaching and Curriculum in the Department of Political and Social Sciences in close co-operation with the employees of the Institute for Media and Communication Studies and in co-operation with the Central Institution Center for Academic Advising and Psychological Counseling as well as the Centre for Digital Systems (CeDiS).
Since June 2011 the first OSA of the Freie Universität Berlin is online as a tool for advice for prospective students. In May 2013, three other OSA were added. To summarise, there is now an OSA for each BA study programm online.
OSA is only available in German.
- BA Media and Communication Science
- BA Political Science
- BA Social Science (Teacher Training)
- BA Social and Cultural Anthropology
Contact Person at the Department
Verena Schulze