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Information regarding Change of University / Change of Subject

As a student changing your university or subject or as a student of another subject at the Freie Universität Berlin, in order to be able to directly begin studies in a higher semester for a subject at the Department of Political and Social Sciences you will need your previous course achievements to be recognised through the examination board by the institute in question.

The recognition of previous semesters requires an equivalent recognition of previous course achievements. (Example: In the BA Political Science programme you must acquire over 30 credits per semester, in order to be able to complete the studies in the standard length of study. Therefore, for every semester of the previous study you apply for, you have to give evidence of three modules capable of recognition.)

Further information regarding changing your university or subject is to be found in the respective study programme.


Checklist for recognition process

The process of recognising previous course achievements may be delayed by incomplete applications or applications containing errors being submitted to us. For this reason, please use the following checklist for your recognition process:

  1. Fill in the form in full (Cover letter for all study programmes).
  2. Fill in the form for your desired study programme. The forms are to be found on the respective study programme website.
  3. In order for your prior studies to be recognised, we require photocopies of all of your records of achievements as well as your letter of acceptance. We only recognise graded records of achievement from which it is possible to see which written assessment (written exams or term papers) you have completed.
  4. Please order your records of achievement. Order them according to the order on the form for your study programme.
  5. Send the filled-in form, the filled-in form for the respective study programme, the photocopies of your records of achievement as well as your letter of acceptance to the responsible examination board.

Should you hand in an incomplete application, or one containing errors, we have no option but to send these back to you unprocessed.


General Advice

  • Information on acceptance criteria as well as matriculation/ registration is available from the Student Records and Registration Office.
  • Please note that in the BA Political Science programme a minimum of 1/3 of studies (i.e. 60 credits) must be gained from the Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science (OSI) including the Bachelor module and one extension module.
  • In the selection of 60 credit and 30 credit modules for the BA Political Science programme and in the selection of 60 credit modules for the BA Social Science Teacher Training (BA Sozialkunde), a minimum of 1/3 of studies are to be completed at the OSI.
  • In the BA Social Science Teacher Training with 90 credits, a maximum of 5 modules may be recognised. The extension module II and the BA thesis must be completed at the OSI.
  • In the MA Political Science programme a maximum of 3 modules may be recognised.
  • In the MA Public Policy and Management a maximum of 1 module can be recognised.
  • In the Political Science Diploma programme it is agreed that students may have the entire foundation course recognised, however gaps in studies are to be caught up with immediately during the main programme. For the main programme a maximum of three modules and one general professional skills module may be recognised.