Famous Last Words
Nov 30, 2016
KFG PostDoc Alumni Brooke Coe, Mor Mitrani, and Laurissa Mühlich tell us about their stay at the KFG.
The KFG was an ideal setting for my first post-doctoral year. It allowed me space to revise my book manuscript and branch out to secondary projects, including one with a KFG co-author. It provided me crucial feedback on these projects as well as the opportunity to develop professionally - as a presenter, discussant, and colleague. Most importantly, I formed relationships during my post-doc year that are enriching both personally and professionally, and these will carry on beyond the ten months I spent in Berlin. I’m grateful to Tanja and Thomas for hosting me, and I look forward to reconnecting with KFG community members at many ISA’s and other gathering places to come.
I spent the last academic year as an associate post-doctoral fellow at the KFG, as part of the Berlin-Jerusalem joint post-doc program. This was a terrific year in so many aspects. Professionally, the KFG is an amazing hub for researches. An inspiring environment for productive research, for lively debates and fruitful dialogues and for receiving and providing constructive and well-thought feedback. Alongside all the professional merits, my stay at the KFG and especially with the people at the KFG, was warm and hospitable. Tanja and Thomas do their best to support and accompany me and my fellow colleagues, to establish comfortable and open communication and to make this year, productive, stimulating and enjoyable. Many thanks!
The year of my post-doctoral KFG fellowship gave me the opportunity to enjoy a year dedicated only to research. I could work fulltime on the chosen research topic and had no other obligations than spending the rest of my time mainly with the weekly Jour Fixe. In fact, the Monday afternoons of the Jour Fixe provided me with some of the most interesting discussions I have ever been to. Never before in my research career have I experienced such a positive atmosphere in academic reunions: intelligent, well prepared, friendly, straightforward, vivid and cheerful at the same time. This applies also to the KFG and its team, Tina, Anne, Lisa, Astrid and many more people, of course, and first of all to Tanja and Thomas who have a way with bringing together the right people at the right time in the right atmosphere. Thank you all!