KFG Working Paper No. 57 published
News from Nov 21, 2013
KFG Working Paper No. 57 "The Effect of Trade Agendas on Regulatory Governance - When the EU Meets the Global South" by Andrea C. Bianculli has been published.
Andrea C. Bianculli, who has been a KFG fellow in 2012-2013, analyzes to what extent and how North-South trade negotiations give rise to particular forms of regulatory governance in the developing world. To what extent do these forms vary across policy areas? Which elements account for the observed differences and similarities?
At the empirical core of her paper is the negotiation process between the European Union (EU) and the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), which aims to promote trade liberalization on the one hand, and the harmonization of regulatory frameworks on the other.
Bianculli focuses on the trade and cooperative agendas involved in trade facilitation and education, and finds that the negotiation of North-South agreements impacts on the ways in which different forms of regulatory governance are expressed. However, this tends to vary among particular policy issues, depending on the type of norm promoted and the capacity building mechanisms envisaged.
All KFG Working Papers are available online or can be ordered in print via transform-europe@fu-berlin.de