Governing Nuclear Waste Conference – Save the date
News vom 29.03.2016
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the conference Governing Nuclear Waste will take place on September 19 - 20 September, 2016 at the Harnack-Haus, the conference venue of the Max Planck Society in Berlin-Dahlem. The conference looks at the issue of nuclear waste governance from multiple disciplinary perspectives. It focuses in particular on the various factors that shape the debate on socially and ethically acceptable pathways for waste governance and siting procedures.
The conference is organized by the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) of the Freie Universität Berlin and is part of the activities of the research platform ENTRIA (the acronym stands in German for: Disposal Options for Radioactive Residues: Interdisciplinary Analyses and Development of Evaluation Principles). There will be two key note lectures, 6 consecutive panels, a study trip to the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, and a Roundtable Discussion on the topic “Between Science and Politics: the Role of Commissions in Nuclear Waste Governance”. A detailed program will follow soon.
Attendance will be free of charge. However, you would need to register beforehand as the number of places available is limited. For registration and any further questions please contact Dörte Themann (
Best regards,