Comparative Social Movements (Comparative Social Movements)
Typ | Projektkurs |
Raum | Ihnestr. 21, 14195 Berlin 21/A (Hörsaal) |
Beginn | 19.10.2010 |
Zeit | Dienstag 10:00 - 14:00 |
Hinweis | (Deutsch / Englisch) |
This course will be the first of a two semester course that examines social movements, non-governmental organizations, and protest movements in the environmental, human rights, democracy and other issue areas in comparative perspective. The course will examine how social movements and NGOs organize, the strategies they employ, how they frame issues, and their relationship to other societal, economic, and political actors. Students will have the opportunity in class to make presentations and discuss in groups similarities and differences across cultures and societies in how NGOs and social movements influence politics. By the end of the second semester, students will be expected to have written their major PK research paper.