How is Walmart becoming an environmental regulator, and why is this happening? Why is the survival of endangered species being placed in the hands of NGOs rather than governments that wrote the treaty to protect them? This talk examines the role of private authority in managing global environmental problems. It argues that we must first distinguish between two types of authority -- delegated and entrepreneurial -- before seeking to explain it. I discuss a century of global environmental governance and the role that private actors have played therein.
When: Wednesday, May 7th, 2013, from 4 p.m to 6 p.m
Where: Academic Hall, Henry Ford Building, Gary Straße 35.
Academic Background
Dr. Jessica F. Green is an assistant professor in the Political Science department at Case Western Reserve University. She finished her PhD at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University in May 2010. Her book, Rethinking Private Authority: Agents and Entrepreneurs in Global Environmental Governance, is forthcoming with Princeton University Press. Her dissertation received APSA's Virginia Walsh prize for best dissertation in science, technology and environmental policy. Her research has been published in Global Environmental Politics,Governance, and Business and Politics. Currently, her work is focused on transnational private regulation and its interactions with public forms of authority. More broadly, she is interested in the ways that global institutions, both public and private can provide public goods, particularly in the area of environment. Her research interests include transnational regulation, international environmental law, global governance and regime complexity; recent work focuses on the politics of standard-setting in the climate change regime.