Workshop: The role of EU policies in renewable energy transitions in European countries
The role of EU policies in renewable energy transitions in European countries
Some key developments challenge renewable energy policy mixes applied so far in Europe – in particular: the financial crisis, which has put pressure on public green energy financing; growing energy system chal-lenges created by larger shares of intermittent renewable electricity generation; and the deterioration in Eu-rope’s relationship with Russia as a result of the Ukraine crisis. Moreover, the EU is now in the process of adopting regulations to implement the 2030 climate and energy policy package, and future EU state-aid rul-ings will influence renewable energy growth rates, the balance between intermittent and stable base-load energy production, and the energy security situation of most EU and EEA countries. This workshop will ad-dress these challenges to renewable energy development in Europe.
The workshop will discuss the following questions: Which factors shape the development of the EU policy mix? Which factors shape the national policy portfolios? What is the development and functioning of national re-newable energy support schemes and capacity market regulations in countries that play leading (and, from a Nordic perspective, particularly relevant) roles in the development of European energy policy? To what extent and how have national renewables policy portfolios been shaped by the EU policy mix?
The Norwegian institute CICERO and the FFU, in collaboration with the German-Norwegian Willy Brandt Foundation, will organize this workshop as part of the Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS project.
Here you can find the programme for the event.
The workshop is held at Litteraturhuset in Oslo, Norway. Please register via this link:
For further information please contact Dr. Guri Bang
Zeit & Ort
21.06.2016 | 09:00 - 16:00
Oslo, Litteraturhuset