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Neue Publikation: Resistencia a la pandemia en el contexto del estrés hídrico en la Ciudad de México von Marlene Gómez Becerra und Esteban Gómez Becerra

News vom 28.01.2022

Von WEGO PhD Marlene Gómez Becerra aus dem Arbeitsbereich Gender & Diversity und Esteban Gómez Becerra ist soeben der Artikel "Resistencia a la pandemia en el contexto del estrés hídrico en la Ciudad de México" in der Ausgabe #62 "Pandemias y crisis civilizatoria", herausgegeben von Marlene Gómez, Grettel Navas y Raquel Neyra von Ecología Política erschienen.

Resistencia a la pandemia en el contexto del estrés hídrico en la Ciudad de México

The water stress in Mexico City reinforced the conditions in which the inhabitants of this city faced the COVID-19 crisis. The call for extreme cleanliness and treating the sick at home became a challenge for the inhabitants who constantly suffer from water supply cuts. Both water stress and the emergence of the pandemic show us an imbalance in the relationships that make up the society-nature network and reaffirm that the ecological crisis is a crisis of civilization. This opinion piece provides an overview of the water inequalities experienced in Mexico City in relation to the increase in infections and deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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