Gender and Globalization
Typ | Seminar |
Dozent/in | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gülay Çağlar |
Institution | Freie Universität Berlin Otto-Suhr-Institut |
Sprache | Englisch |
Semester | Wintersemester 17/18 |
Veranstaltungsumfang | |
Raum | Ihnestr. 21 B Hörsaal |
Beginn | 16.10.2017 |
Ende | 12.02.2018 |
Zeit | Mo 12:00-14:00 Uhr |
This course deals with the controversially discussed phenomenon of globalization from a gender per-spective. The term globalization denotes economic, social and political processes that profoundly change power configurations within and across societies. This course introduces to gender as an analyt-ical category for the analysis of globalization. Students will get acquainted with different theories and conceptualizations of gender and will learn how to employ gender as a structural category, a process category and/or an intersectional category for the analysis of globalization. This course has two objec-tives: Firstly, it aims at investigating how globalization affects gender relations at the very local level and vice versa. How are gender arrangements in different regional contexts changing? How does the inter-national division of labour affect the local organization of everyday life and social reproduction? The course also focuses at the feedback effects of gendered power relations at the local level on processes of global economic restructuring. Secondly, the course aims at discussing feminist activism and differ-ent forms of resistance to globalization. What are political reactions to globalization and what are femi-nist responses? Different political positions and strategies will be analyzed from a feminist and post-colonial perspective. Literature: Marchand, Marianne H./Runyan, Anne Sisson (eds.) (2010, 2nd edi-tion): Gender and Global Restructuring. Sightings, Sites and Resistance. London/New York: Routledge.