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Gastvortrag von Dr. Georg Menz: The Decline of Europe’s Center-Left Political Parties

Ort: Ihnestr. 26, Raum 202

Zeit: Dienstag 12. Juli, 12-13 Uhr (s.t.)

News vom 11.07.2022

Dr. Georg Menz’s talk will be based on his new edited volume “The Resistible Corrosion of Europe’s Centre Left After 2008”. The book examines and explains the Center-Left’s political decline since 2008, whilst analyzing the factors that account for its sagging electoral and popular support, losing voters both to the Far Left, the Far Right, and abstentions. More information on the book is available here: https://www.routledge.com/The-Resistible-Corrosion-of-Europes-Center-Left-After-2008/Menz/p/book/9781032230108.


Dr. Georg Menz obtained his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh (2002). He has previously taught at the University of London (UK) and also held guest professorships at Vienna University (Austria), LUISS Guido Carli University (Italy), Australian National University, the European University Institute (Italy), and the University of Pittsburgh (USA). He currently holds the Dragas Chair in International Studies at Old Dominion University (Norfolk, Virginia).

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