Challenges in the German-polish public sphere
News from Nov 16, 2018
Concerning German-Polish relations, the mass media often divert the attention towards emotionally laden issues, from World War II to current scandals. Generally, even if Germans and Poles share history, collective memory on historical events differs greatly in public discourses. Furthermore, the German-Polish discourse has become more confrontational in recent times. This is further reinforced by the currently weak public structures in the hybridizing media systems. How these factors affect the current political atmosphere against the background of regional integration in Europe will be discussed on the panel based on analytical observations on current developments in Polish-German public diplomacy as well as findings of the research project Media Functions in Transition and the German-polish Barometer.
Deutsch-polnische Öffentlichkeit: Herausforderungen durch strukturelle Öffentlichkeitsdefizite und Hybridisierung des Mediensystems
29.11.2018 | 18-20 Uhr | IfPuK | Hörsaal A | Ihnenstr. 21 | 14195 Berlin
Dr. Indira Dupius researcher of the Media Function in Transition project, Fu Berlin discusses with:
- Prof. Dr. hab. Beata Ociepka, Institute for International Studies, University of Wrocław
- Dr. Agnieszka Łada, Director of the European Programme, Institute of Public Affairs, Warszawa