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Book Series "Studies in International, Transnational and Global Communications"

Kulturen der Katastrophenberichterstattung

Kulturen der Katastrophenberichterstattung

In the face of increasing globalization, understanding communication processes and media developments requires a widening of perspective beyond national and cultural boundaries. A multitude of mediated communications is developing beyond or across national borders. At the same time, it is important not to neglect the enduring force of nation-states, and to identify and explain differences and similarities in media developments in various countries and regions using comparative perspectives. Studies on forms of mediated communication in all regions of the world should help to broaden the view on the phenomena of globalization and their impact on media and communication.

Carola Richter edits the book series "Studies in International, Transnational and Global Communications" in co-operation with Michael Brüggemann, Susanne Fengler and Sven Engesser. The series is open for a variety of topics related to international and transnational communication, such as foreign and war reporting, comparative journalism research and political communications, public diplomacy, media and transformation, media systems research (media policy, media economics), audience research, media and migration. Theoretical and methodological approaches from different social sciences are welcome. The series intends to include current case studies and country-specific studies as well as broader overviews. The books are published by Springer VS and are available here.

  • Volume 1 Stefanie Walter: EU Citizens in the European Public Sphere (2016)
  • Volume 2 Hanan Badr: Framing von Terrorismus im Nahostkonflikt (2017)
  • Volume 3 Richter, Carola, Antonakis, Anna, Harders, Cilja (Eds.): Digital Media and the Politics of Transformation in the Arab World and Asia (2018)
  • Volume 4 Haasen, Bettina: Journalismus in Burundi (2019)
  • Volume 5 Wollenberg, Anja: Medien und Demokratie im Irak (2019)
  • Volume 6 Bartsch, Marlene: Der Bertelsmann-Konzern und die französische Medienpolitik (2019)
  • Volume 7 Bastian, Mariella: Media and Accountability in Latin America (2019)
  • Volume 8 Meißner, Florian: Kulturen der Katastrophenberichterstattung (2019)
  • Volume 9 Hanitzsch, Thomas: Journalismus in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (2019)