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29.04.2021: Online-talk about „Gendered Indian Digital Publics – Labor and Affect“ (Prof. Radhika Gajjala) by CRC 1171

News from Apr 27, 2021

On April 29 at 6-8 PM, the CRC 1171 Affective Societies: Dynamics of Social Coexistence in Mobile Worlds is hosting an online talk which is part of their Lecture Series. The Lecture Series addresses the changing structure and nature of publics – both in different configurations of physical co-presence and in mediatized and digitally networked forms. This time, Prof. Radhika Gajjala (Bowling Green State University) will be there to discuss the topic „Gendered Indian Digital Publics – Labor and Affect“. Here is a little insight:

„The emergence of overlapping and intertwining publics occurs through the formation of both localized social media interactions and global facing publics. Common affective characteristics of such publics include ideological clashes, interpersonal disputes, feelings of being “left out” but they also include affects leading to self-affirmation, validation, friendship and collaboration. Drawing long term digital ethnographic research in South Asian and Indian digital diasporic contexts and with a focus on particular case studies and moments, I examine how affective intensities create resonances in across social media platforms through hashtag activisms as they trans-nationalize localized issues. The focus is on gendered political and entrepreneurial subjects as they emerge in digital publics and the key ways in which affects are deployed by different actors in making selves and others visible as political and/or entrepreneurial subjects.“

The online talk will be presented via WebEx!

Meeting link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=m19469af72af493ebbdaa1cfc63d9b0bc

Meeting number: 121 425 5462

Password: affectivepublics

You can find more information about the Lecture Series of CRC 1171 here.


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