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15.07.2021: Online-talk about "Understanding the affect of algorithmic publics" (Prof. Tobias Matzner) by CRC 1171

News from Jul 09, 2021

On July 15th at 6 PM, the CRC 1171 Affective Societies: Dynamics of Social Coexistence in Mobile Worlds is hosting the last online talk of their Lecture Series about affective publics. The Lecture Series addresses the changing structure and nature of publics – both in different configurations of physical co-presence and in mediatized and digitally networked forms. This time, Prof. Tobias Matzner (University Paderborn) will be there to talk about "Understanding the affect of algorithmic publics".

The event is for free. You are friendly invited to join the lecture, which will take place online via Zoom.

Link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=m79d43e71106836a8cf7c62b9164cd347

Meeting number: 121 876 6577

Password: affectivepublics

You can find more information here


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