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28.04. & 29.04.2022: Workshop for journalists "Fear, Anger and Grief - Emotions in Migration Reporting."

News from Mar 31, 2022

From "Wir schaffen das" to the racist agitation of right-wing groups: Journalists are confronted with various debates around the topics of flight and migration - and with the fierce emotions they evoke. Especially in everyday journalistic work, it is not easy to recognize and deconstruct one-sided and provocative positions on the sensitive topic of migration. Moreover, journalists who work on the topic are often exposed to fierce criticism. It is challenging to live up to the claim of objective reporting on a daily basis.


What methods are helpful in dealing with the challenges related to migration reporting? In this workshop, participants will use research results from the project "Journalism and the Order of Emotions" to learn which emotions are generated both textually and visually and how a differentiated way of presenting them can succeed. At the same time, they will sharpen their eye for reporting that is as non-discriminatory as possible and allows for a nuanced portrayal of events, also with a view to the emotions of the various people involved.


The workshop "Fear, Anger and Grief - Emotions in Migration Reporting" is aimed at full-time journalists and offers space for exchange with researchers as well as among colleagues in order to jointly reflect on the role of emotions in journalistic reporting on the topic of migration. Sheila Mysorekar (Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen) and Débora Medeiros (Freie Universität Berlin) will lead the workshop.


The workshop is offered free of charge, will take place in person, and will be held in German. Catering on site is also free of charge. Unfortunately, travel expenses and accommodation cannot be covered financially. The 2G+ rule applies: wearing an FFP2 mask, presentation of proof of vaccination or recovery. We ask all participants to do a self-test or get tested in advance.


Those interested can register for one of the two available dates for the one-day workshop: on April 28, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. or on April 29, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Aquarium at Südblock (Skalitzer Str. 6. 10999 Berlin). Registrations should be addressed to friederike.rosenbaum@fu-berlin.de by April 20th and include the following information:

Field of activity (print, radio, online, video):
Desired date (4/28 or 4/29):

We are looking forward to receiving your registrations!


Time and Place:

28.04.2022 - 29.04.2022
Aquarium at Südblock (Skalitzer Str.6, 10999 Berlin)

Further Information:

Débora Medeiros (deb.medeiros@fu-berlin.de)
Friederike Rosenbaum (friederike.rosenbaum@fu-berlin.de)

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