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Sara Tafakori joins Gender Media Studies Seminar

News from Jun 15, 2023

On Monday, June 19th 2023 Dr. Sara Tafakori will be visiting the seminar Gender Media Studies of Prof. Dr. Margreth Lünenborg via videocall. She will present a talk with the title 'One of us will be next': affect, territory and the (un)making of feminist subjects during the #Mahsa_Amini protests in Iran.

Sara Tafakori is Assistant Professor in Media and Communication at University of Leeds. Her research intersects feminist theory, media and affect, critical race, and postcolonial studies. She is interested in digital affective practices in (post)colonial contact zones and their role in creating new political spaces of appearance. Her work particularly explores the problematics of constructing feminist solidarity, with a focus on hybrid activist networks in Iran. 

The seminar takes place 16:15 - 17:45 at Ihnestraße 22 in room UG4. Guests are very welcome. It´s also possible to participate via WebEx (no account needed) with the following link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=mf1002d029d2b75cf10192547bd810310

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