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Portrayals of the Shero: New Journal Article on the representation of Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel published

Ana-Nzinga Weiß’ critical discourse analysis on female superheroes has been published in the Journal of Gender Studies

News from May 31, 2024

In the journal article “Portrayals of the Shero: a critical discourse analysis on the representation of Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel”, Ana-Nzinga Weiß examined contemporary superheroine films.
Weiß comes to the conclusion that the films examined depict female empowerment, with Wonder Woman (2017) emphasizing feminine character traits and her heterosexual relationship, while Captain Marvel (2019) focuses on tenacity, psychological strength and the relationship with a close friend. She discusses these findings against the backdrop of current feminist movements such as postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism.

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