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"Humour on the run: Meaning and Change of Satire for Arab Intellectuals in Exilel”
Image Credit: Arne Sattler
“Cinema as a way of integration for refugees in Germany and for Russian-German relationships”
“Caution Safety
"Jihad and Journalism- Challenges of reporting on extreme networks in Europe"
Helsingin Sanomat-Stiftung
Stiftung Presse-Haus NRZ
"Berlin- Litzmannstadt- Kibbuz“
"The individual stories at the heart of a European Crises: Mapping the everyday experiences of refugees in Berlin“
"We are the people: the story of a slogan“
"Wladislav Starewitsch in Berlin: The unexplored German creative period of the film-art pioneer"
"Kicking Inequality- Photographing Women, Social Change and Equality through Football”
"Escape from Putin- Russia's new emigrants"
"Schönborn twice:Rural areas and migration in Germany and Ukraine "