May 31, 2018- visiting newspaper BILD
On May 31, 2018 the fellows of the EJF visited the newspaper BILD in Berlin. They were guided by Fritz Esser, BILD journalist for politics and economics. During the guided tour they attended the daily conference. Afterwards they could ask all questions about the newspaper and participate in a discussion,
Image Credit: photo: Nadja Knauer
31 May, 2018- visiting newspaper BILD
During the guided tour through the newspaper BILD they asked a lot of questions about the working routines, international locations of BILD, how the journalists operate, investigate and work. Furthermore they got to see the newsroom.
Image Credit: photo: Nadja Knauer
31 May, 2018- visiting newspaper BILD
a snapshot from the BILD newsroom where they fellows accompanied the daily conference and newspaper critic.
Image Credit: photo: Nadja Knauer
March 14, 2018- Jewish Museum Berlin
On March 14, 2018 the fellows of the European Journalism-Fellowships visited the Jewish Museum in Berlin. They visited the exhibition "Welcome to Jerusalem".
Image Credit: photo: Roman Yusipey
March 14, 2018- visiting the Jewish Museum Berlin
During their guided tour through the Jewish Museum the Fellows got interesting impressions and got to ask questions about the history and culture of the Jewish religion.
Image Credit: Bildquelle: Roman Yusipey
March 07, 2018- visiting the Federal Chancellery
On March 07, 2018 the European Journalism-Fellowships visited the Federal Chancellery. They got a guided tour and were informed about the rooms, the building and working routines. Additionally they got to visited the Gallery.
Image Credit: Photo: Inna Vorobei
March 07, 2018- visiting the Federal Chancellery
During the guided tour the fellows of the European Journalism-Fellowships got to ask questions and were informed about the work routines in the Federal Chancellery. Furthermore they visited the gallery.
Image Credit: Photo: Inna Vorobei
March 07, 2018- visiting the Federal Chancellery
Impressions of the guided tour through the Federal Chancellery.
Image Credit: Photo: Inna Vorobei
March 05, 2018- newspaper taz
On March 05, 2019 the European Journalism-Fellowships visited the daily newspaper taz in Berlin. At first they participated in the daily conference, where they joined the Journal review and were informed about the upcoming topics for the next edition.
Afterwards they visited the editorial building and all departments of the taz during a guided tour.
Image Credit: Nadja Knauer
March 05, 2018- newspaper taz
After participating in the daily newspaper conference the Fellos got to ask questions about the work routines and the every day work and practices of the journalists writin for thetaz. They got to meet the editors and learned about the structure of the newspaper taz and their working routine.
Image Credit: Nadja Knauer
March 05, 2018- newspaper taz
On March 05, 2018 the European Journalism-Fellowhships vistited the daily newspaper taz in Berlin. After participating in the daily editiorial conference they got to know the newspaper during a guided tour through the editorial building.
Image Credit: Nadja Knauer
March 14, 2016 - taz
On March 14, 2016, the Fellows were invited to taz editorial meeting. Following the meeting, Konny Gellenbeck and Daniel Bax answered questions from the Fellows.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 09, 2016 - Bundeskanzleramt
The visit of Bundeskanzleramt began with a short image film.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 09, 2016 - Bundeskanzleramt
The EJF visitors in front of the press corner.
Image Credit: Meri Valkama
March 02, 2016 - Jewish Museum Berlin
On March 02, 2016, the Fellows visited the Jewish Museum Berlin. The guided tour had the thematic focus on "Judaism - Christianity - Islam".
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 02, 2016 - Jewish Museum Berlin
The thematic tour through a part of the permanent exhibition ended in a replica of a room illustrating different aspects of the assimilation of parts of the Jewish population in Berlin.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 10, 2016 - Sehitlik-Mosque
On February 10, 2016, the Fellows visited the Sehitlik Mosque in Berlin Neukölln and learned at a guided-tour about the construction of a mosque in general and the interior of the Sehitlik Mosque.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 10, 2016 - Sehitlik-Mosque
After the tour, the Fellows learned more about the principles of Islam and Muslim life in Berlin.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
January 20, 2016 - Elke Pohl
On January 20 2016, the Fellows were guests at the Representative of the Berlin Senate for Integration and Migration. Elke Pohl, Public Relations Officer, welcomed the Fellows and gave an insight into the work and objectives of the authority.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
November 25, 2015 - Book reading of Renate Zöller
On November 25, 2015, the Fellows visited the reading of former EJF Fellow Renate Zöller. She read excerpts from her latest book, "What exactly is home?" which were discussed in connection with the audience and her publisher Christoph Links.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 29, 2015 - Museum of European Cultures
On october 19, 2015 the Fellows visited the Museum of European Cultures near the International Center for Journalism in Berlin Dahlem. The objects exhibited showed the differences, but also similarities of European regional cultures.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 29, 2015 - Museum of European Cultures
A large nativity play of the whole New Testament was the end of the tour through the Museum of European Cultures and also the conclusion of the welcome-program.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 27, 2015 - Alternative City-Tour
On october 27, 2015, Tobi Allers of Berlin Kultour introduced the Fellows in Berlin's world of graffiti and street art.
He described different techniques of making art on the streets and showed examples of this artforms in the area of Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg - from little tags to big artworks on the buildings of Berlin.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 27, 2015 - Alternative City-Tour
The tour started on the RAW-area where the artists can produce their pieces without any restrictions as there are on the streets.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 27, 2015 - Alternative City-Tour
Some of the big street art pieces are paid by the house-owner to improve the look of blank walls.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 27, 2015 - Alternative City-Tour
Graffiti in Berlin is linked with the cities unique history, which was discussed near the East-Side-Gallery.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 22, 2015 - German Historic Museum
The German Historical Museum was another excursion destination during the welcome program. The Fellows visited the special exhibition "everyday unit", which presents the different perceptions and moods of the so-called East and West Germans with their clichés and anecdotes regarding the reunification of Germany.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 19, 2015 - Visiting the German Bundestag
As part of the welcome program, the Fellows visited the German Bundestag. In a guided tour different areas of the Bundestag as well as the visitors' gallery of the plenary chamber were visited.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 19, 2015 - Visiting the German Bundestag
A work of art in the German Bundestag to commemorate the democratically elected members of parliament.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 19, 2015 - Visiting the German Bundestag
A view from above inside the plenary chamber.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 9, 2015 - historic Campus-Tour
To start the 17th year of the European Journalism-Fellowships programme, the Fellows were on a tour on the campus of Freie Universität Berlin. Tour Guide Helge Schmidt told the origins of many buildings on the campus and the history of the FU, starting with the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, about the Max Planck Society to this day.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 9, 2015 - historic Campus-Tour
The Henry Ford Building as one of the many signs of the stationing of the Americans after the Second World War in Dahlem.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
Mai 18 2015 - taz Redaktionsbesuch
In the summer semester 2015 a Jour fixe took place at the newspaper taz. After the Fellows attended the morning editorial meeting, the group went on a tour around the editorial offices. The start of the tour by taz Panter Foundation's Konstantin Bassin allowed the view towards Le Monde diplomatique and the Springer-Verlag building.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
Mai 18 2015 - taz Redaktionsbesuch
The following conversation with Konny Gellenbeck, board member of the taz Panter Foundation, gave an insight into the co-operative model of the taz, other (online) financing models and the work of the taz Panter Foundation.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
April 29, 2015 - Olympic Village
On April 29, 2015, the Fellows visited the former Olympic village in Elstal, east of Berlin-Spandau. The guided tour began in the former gymnasium for the athletes.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
April 29, 2015 - Olympic Village
A model of the Olympic Village was inside the gym. The model showed the architecture and history of the village, which was planned and built by the Wehrmacht, and found its use as a barracks for the second world war after the Games.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
April 29, 2015 - Olympic Village
Only a few of the once very numerous houses for the athletes are still there today, because in spite of the direct post-war use of the land by the Red Army and the NVA, the barracks were not renovated and their substance had been removed as a building material.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
April 29, 2015 - Olympic Village
The swimming pool is one of the few externally renovated building. The facade has been faithfully modeled, so it corresponds to the sight of 1936.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
April 29, 2015 - Olympic Village
Due financial issues, the interior has not been renovated yet.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
April 29, 2015 - Olympic Village
The Fellows in front of the "Jesse-Owens-House".
Image Credit: Nils Werner
April 29, 2015 - Olympic Village
Big posters explain the life in the olympic village and show numbers about the catering for the athletes.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
April 29, 2015 - Olympic Village
In the dining room there is a replica of a table where the athletes took their meals.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
April 29, 2015 - Olympic Village
During the clean up of the function room, this Lenin image was rediscovered. After the war, the area was used by the Red Army as a military barracks where the image over the years emerged.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
April 29, 2015 - Olympic Village
But when a famous pianist was invited to play on this stage, he refused to play in front of Lenin-painting. On the spot, the wall has been papered over, the concert took place and Lenin on the wall was forgotten till the big clean up.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 18, 2015 - Bundeskanzleramt
The last appointment of the winter semester 2014/2015 was a guided tour inside the Bundeskanzleramt.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 18, 2015 - Bundeskanzleramt
After the obligatory security check, the Bundeskanzleramt was presented in a short film.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 18, 2015 - Bundeskanzleramt
A view on the gallery of the former chancellors of Germany.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 18, 2015 - Bundeskanzleramt
The large conference hall of the Bundeskanzleramt.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 18, 2015 - Bundeskanzleramt
At this lecterns the German chancellor and its guests present their results from discussions and are holding short press-conferences.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 18, 2015 - Bundeskanzleramt
Since the upper floors were not available for the visitors, the gifts to the chancellors were already the end of the tour. Here is a selection of gifts to Ludwig Erhard.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 18, 2015 - Bundeskanzleramt
Following the guided tour through the Bundeskanzleramt, the Fellows and the EFJ team could end the winter semester with a dinner.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 12, 2015 - Memorial Sachsenhausen
Another excursion brought the Fellows to Sachsenhausen, a former concentration camp near Berlin-Oranienburg. Since 1993 it is a memorial and museum. At the beginning the guide, it gave an overview of the architecture of the former concentration camp.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 12, 2015 - Memorial Sachsenhausen
A view on the entrance to the prison area with the main watchtower.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 12, 2015 - Memorial Sachsenhausen
The perspective down the main watchtower on the "parade ground" and the only schematically indicated barracks.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 12, 2015 - Memorial Sachsenhausen
After visiting the "Jewish barracks", the Fellows and Dr. Horst Seferens, the person responsible for public relations Sachsenhausen Memorial went in the direction of the former kitchen of the camp.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 12, 2015 - Memorial Sachsenhausen
The Fellows were shown the exhibition about the history of the camp, the crimes and murder of the nazis inside the former kitchen.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 12, 2015 - Memorial Sachsenhausen
The memorial plaque in Station Z, which is now a memorial place.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 12, 2015 - Memorial Sachsenhausen
Inside the memorial hall of Station Z.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 12, 2015 - Memorial Sachsenhausen
Between september and november 1941 more than 13,000 sowjet soldiers were imprisoned in Sachsenhausen. More than 10,000 of them were killed by the nazis. Seven portraits of the soldiers are shown at the memorial place of Station Z.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
March 4 2015 - Memorial Hohenschönhausen
Another excursion led the Fellows on a tour through the memorial Hohenschönhausen. Contemporary witness Hartmut Richter, former prisoner in the Stasi prisons Hohenschoenhausen and Potsdam, gave insights into the conditions of detention and the ideology of the Stasi and the inhumane practices of their officers.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 24 2015 - Excursion to Weimar
On february 24 2015 the Fellows were on an excursion to Weimer to visit the Goethe-Nationalmuseum. The photo shows the entrance to the exhibition Lebensfluten - Tatensturm.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 24 2015 - Excursion to Weimar
An idealized portrait of the young Goethe.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 24 2015 - Excursion to Weimar
Beside his many talents from literature to science, Goethe was also gifted in craftsmanship and built this puppet theater amongst other things.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 24 2015 - Excursion to Weimar
The exhibition sums up Goethe's life under different ideas, like love, remembrance and, as seen in this room, under the term 'world' which shows Goethe's relationship to life and existence in general.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 24 2015 - Excursion to Weimar
Of course an interactive form of Faust, one of the major works of Goethe, was part of the exhibition.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 24 2015 - Excursion to Weimar
The end of the exhibition with busts of Goethe in chronological order and the key to Goethe's coffin.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 24 2015 - Excursion to Weimar
Subsequently, the Fellows visited Goethe's House, bordering the National Museum, which gave, by the help of an audio guide, insights into the daily life of the great German poet.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 24 2015 - Excursion to Weimar
Another room of Goethe's House. The rooms were all painted following the rules of Goethe's own color theory.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
February 24 2015 - Excursion to Weimar
The Fellows in front of the Goethe-Nationalmuseum.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
January 26, 2015 - Bundespressekonferenz
On January 26, 2015, the Fellows visited the Bundespressekonferenz (National Press Confernce). There they were given an insight into the communication between journalists and the government, or their spokespersons.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 29, 2014 - House of the Wannsee Conference
The first Jour fixe on-site appointment for the new EFJ Fellows of 2014/2015 was in the House of the Wannsee Conference. The tour through the exhibition illustrated clearly the technocratic approach to the so-called "Final Solution" and gave insights into the inhuman ideology of the Nazis.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
Oktober 13 2014 - Guided Campus Tour
With a guided historical campus tour the Fellows learned more about the Freie Universität, its buildings and their past. On the photo the fellows stand in front of the plaque of memorial of Ihnestraße 22.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 5 2014 - former Tempelhof Airport
On october 5 2014 the new fellows of 2014/2015 visited the former airport of Berlin-Tempelhof. The guided tour showed insights into the history of the airport and its role before, during and after the second world war.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 5 2014 - former Tempelhof Airport
The check-in hall of the airport that is now used for events and tradeshows.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
October 6 2014 - Library Tour
The Fellows were introduced into the PRIMO-catalogue and other tools to find sources and books for their researches and investigations properly.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
June 11 2014 - former Tempelhof Airport
The guided tour in the former Tempelhof Airport showed insights in the history of the place and its role before, while and after the second world war.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
June 11 2014 - former Tempelhof Airport
The tour went from the front tarmac on the departure hall, the courtyards and mysterious places in the underground ...
Image Credit: Nils Werner
June 11 2014 - former Tempelhof Airport
... except for the former basketball court of the stationed American soldiers during the Cold War.
The guide showed that the airport was hardly used for air traffic, but has experienced a variety of uses and history.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
June 4, 2014 - House of the Wannsee-Conference
The Jour fixe on-site took place at the House of the Wannsee-Conference. The history of the place was brought to the Fellows by a guided tour and the exhibition showed the consequences of the so-called Wannsee-Conference regarding to the fate of the european jews during the holocaust.
Image Credit: Nils Werner
Visiting the BILD
Image Credit: Hanna Pfüller
Berlinale visit 2013
Image Credit: Hanna Pfüller
24th October 2012: welcome dinner for the new fellows
Image Credit: Alexander Görke
At the welcome dinner: the fellows get to know each other
The fellows Yulia Larina (Russia) and Paul Glader (USA) under discussion at the official welcome dinner on 24th October 2012.
Image Credit: Alexander Görke
Visit of the Chancellor office in March 2012
On 21st March 2012 the fellows visited the Chancellor office. During a guided tour they got to know a lot of interesting details about art and architecture of the house.
Image Credit: Hanna Pfüller
Talk at the Chancellor office
During the visit of the Chancellor office the fellows met Karl Schlich, head of the press and communication department of the office. He delivered interesting insights into the functioning of the office.
Image Credit: Hanna Pfüller
Participation in the Federal Press Conference in March 2012
On 9th March 2012 the fellows took part in the Federal Press Conference in Berlin and so could watch how the government speaker Steffen Seibert and the spokesmen of the ministries answered questions to the newest decisions and incidents of the political landscape.
Image Credit: Ekaterine Pandjikidze
Visit of the Jewish Museum Berlin in March 2012
On 7th March 2012 the fellows visited the Jewish Museum Berlin and took part in the guided tour "Judaism, Christianity, Islam".
Image Credit: Hanna Pfüller
Berlinale visit on 17th February, 2012
On 17th February, 2012 the stipendiaries visited the 62nd Berlin International Film Festival and watched the press screening of the movie "Rebelle - War Witch". At the following press conference the stipendiaries had the chance to ask the director, the producer and the actors. Also the leading actress Rachel Mwanza was there, who was awarded with the Silver Bear this year.
Image Credit: Hanna Pfüller
Visit of the editorial office of Hürriyet Berlin 2010
The stipendiaries in talk with Ahmet Külahci in context of the visit of the editorial office of Hürriyet Berlin.
Image Credit: Anja Lehmann
Cultural and political walk 2010
Mariella Mooshammer from Austria, Dimphy Smeets from the Netherlands and Binafsha Kalandarova from Uzbekistan (f.l.t.r.) together with Prof. Dr. Eckhard Haack on the cultural and political walk through Berlin.
Image Credit: Anja Lehmann