I need to submit an extension for the working period of my doctoral thesis in order to re-register. What should I do and why?
The regulations for the conduct of doctoral examinations define a core period of three years in which you are expected to write your doctoral thesis and assume that the doctoral procedure (assessment and defense included) will be completed after four years. This is why your registration period is limited to four years.
Quite a few doctoral candidates, however, find themselves unable to meet the three-year-deadline, be it due to professional duties or for family reasons. Should it become apparent that you will not be able to finish the work on your thesis within the allotted time, please apply to the Committee for Doctoral Examinations to extend the working period for your doctoral thesis. If it is the first extension you are applying for you just need to state an estimate for the time you still need to finish your thesis. For any further extension you will have to submit proof of the status of your work and a supporting statement from your supervisor.
Important note for graduate school students: you will also have to submit a supporting statement from your graduate school. Should the graduate school be opposed to the extension the Committee for Doctoral Examinations can not grant it.
If the Committee for Doctoral Examinations grant the requested extension you will receive a letter of extension you have to provide the Student Records and Registration Office with via the self service portal. Then your registration period will be amended accordingly.