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Food systems: Sustainable, Social, and Resilient?

The research project “Inclusive Food System Transitions” against the background of the war-driven food crisis

News from May 09, 2022

Apart from humanitarian horrors, the war against Ukraine depicts the fragility of globalized commodity chains. The dependency on imported goods of everyday life, especially energy and food in addition to Germany’s orientation towards exports proves to be vulnerable. 

The project “Social Cohesion, food and health. Inclusive Food System Transitions” elaborates innovation and transition processes and their effects on social cohesion and sustainability. Many innovations aim at regionalizing commodity chains. Considering the current conflict, this can also be used to render the food system more resilient. 

The approaches and first results of the Berlin University Alliance-funded project that is executed by Humboldt-Universität, Technische Universität, and Freie Universität are examined in the recent Tagesspiegel extra. The complete article can be sourced here (German version only available).

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