Prof. Dr. Tobias Hofmann

Freie Universität Berlin
Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science
Center for Transnational Relations, Foreign- and Security-Policy
Guest professor
Room 116
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Mareike Kleine is Associate Professor (tenured) of EU and International Politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research interests include international organization, EU politics, international and comparative political economy, informal governance, and normative questions of global governance. Her PhD thesis Informal Governance in the European Union won the APSA Ernst B. Haas Award and was published by Cornell University Press in 2013. Other work has appeared in top general political science and field journals, among them the British Journal of Political Science, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, and the Review of International Organizations. Kleine has held visiting positions at Princeton University, Harvard University, the European University Institute, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin and the University of St. Gallen. She earned her Ph.D. in Political Science at the Freie Universität Berlin.
- 15130 Vorlesung
Einführung in die internationalen Beziehungen (Thomas Risse, Mareike Kleine)
Zeit: Di 12:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 15.10.2019)
Ort: HFB/B Hörsaal (Garystr. 35-37) - 15131 Proseminar
Global Governance (Mareike Kleine)
Zeit: Mi 08:00-10:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2019)
Ort: Garystr.55/302b Seminarraum (Garystr. 55) - 15400 Projektseminar
Informal Governance in the EU and Beyond (Mareike Kleine)
Zeit: Fr 10:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2019)
Ort: Garystr.55/302b Seminarraum (Garystr. 55) - 15400a Projektseminar
Informal Governance in the EU and Beyond (Mareike Kleine)
Zeit: Fr 10:00-14:00 (Erster Termin: 18.10.2019)
Ort: Garystr.55/302b Seminarraum (Garystr. 55) - 15431 Colloquium
Colloquium Internationale Beziehungen (Mareike Kleine)
Zeit: Mi 10:00-12:00 (Erster Termin: 16.10.2019)
Ort: Garystr.55/302a Seminarraum (Garystr. 55)
I am currently working on two projects that build on and extend my research on informal governance and the domestic politics of international cooperation.
Prisoners of the Past? Historical narratives and international cooperationNot least since the emergence of populist forces in Western liberal democracies, narratives about international cooperation and European integration are changing, with negative stories about past harm against one’s country and distant international elites gaining in prominence. Drawing on literatures in conflict studies, political psychology and behavioral economics, this project explores if narratives about a country’s role in history matter as heuristics in decision-making. Using survey experiments on samples of EU citizens and EU elites, the project evaluates whether or not exposure to historical narratives of victimhood reduce people’s willingness to engage in reciprocal behavior, by reducing trust vis-à-vis the cooperating partners. This project benefits from funding from the LSE European Institute and the Mercator Foundation.
The unintended consequences of transparencyThis project asks whether or not stricter transparency requirements in international organizations have perverse consequences, by pushing deliberations to more obscure venues. It hypothesizes that when new transparency regulations open negotiations up to public scrutiny, governments with an incentive for discretion will seek alternative venues that are potentially even more difficult to monitor. The argument is tested using the case of negotiations in the Council of the EU. Motivated by anecdotal evidence and previous research, I investigate whether or not the introduction of stricter transparency regulations in the Council have prompted an increase in informal gatherings. This project benefits from funding from the Hertie School of Governance.
Kleine, Mareike and Mark Pollack. 2018. Liberal Intergovernmentalism and Its Critics. Special Issue of the Journal of Common Market Studies 56:7.
Kleine, Mareike. 2013. Informal Governance: How Governments Make International Organizations Work. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Kleine, Mareike. 2004. Die Reaktion der EU auf den 11. September. Münster: Lit-Verlag.
Peer-reviewed articlesKleine, Mareike and Clement Minaudier. 2019 [2017 online first]. Negotiating under Political Uncertainty: National Elections and the Dynamics of International Co-operation. British Journal of Political Science 49:1, pp. 315-337.
Kleine, Mareike and Mark Pollack. 2018. Liberal Intergovernmentalism and Its Critics. Journal of Common Market Studies 56:7, pp. 1493-1509.
Kleine, Mareike. 2018. Informal Governance and Legitimacy in EU Politics. Journal of European Integration 40:7, pp. 873-888.
Kleine, Mareike. 2018. National Elections in a Globalizing World. Nature Human Behaviour 2: 317.
Kleine, Mareike. 2018. Keeping Tabs on your Cooperating Partners: A Coalition Perspective on International Organizations. International Theory 10:3, pp. 350-373.
Kleine, Mareike. 2014. Research Agenda: Informal Governance in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy 21:2, pp. 303-314.
Kleine, Mareike. 2013. Trading Control: National Fiefdoms in International Organizations. International Theory 5:3, pp. 321-346.
Kleine, Mareike. 2013. Knowing Your Limits: Informal Governance and Judgment in the EU. Review of International Organizations 8:2, pp. 245-264.
Kleine, Mareike and Thomas Risse. 2010. Deliberation in Negotiations. Journal of European Public Policy 17:5, pp. 708-726.
Kleine, Mareike. 2007. Leadership in the European Convention. Journal of European Public Policy 15:8, pp. 1227-1248.
Kleine, Mareike and Thomas Risse. 2007. Assessing the Legitimacy of European Treaty Revisions. In Journal of Common Market Studies 45:1, pp. 69-80.
Book reviewsKleine, Mareike. 2015. Opting Out of the European Union – by Rebecca Adler-Nissen. Perspectives on Politics 13:3.
Kleine, Mareike. 2013. Reforming the European Union: Realizing the Impossible – by Daniel Finke, Thomas König, Sven-Oliver Proksch and George Tsebelis. Review of International Organizations 8:1.
Kleine, Mareike. 2011. An Emergent Executive Order – by Jarle Trondal. West European Politics 34:2.
Book chapters and other publicationsKleine, Mareike and Thomas Risse. 2008. How to Improve the Quality of Negotiations. NewGov Policy Brief 15.
Kleine, Mareike and Thomas Risse. 2005. Arguing and Persuasion in the European Convention. Contribution to the State of the Art Report FP 6 NEWGOV.
Kleine, Mareike. 2005. Theorien unter der Lupe: Der Forschungsstand zur europäischen Integration und den Internationalen Beziehungen. integration 28:4, pp. 341-346.
Jopp, Matthias and Mareike Kleine. 2004. Multiplikatoren Europäischer Öffentlichkeit: Die Rolle der Europäschen Institutionen. Europäische Öffentlichkeit, edited by C. Franzius and U.K. Preuß. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Duff, Andrew and Mareike Kleine. 2003. Der Beitrag des Europäischen Parlaments zum Konvent: Treibende Kraft für einen Konsens. integration 26:1, pp. 3-9.
Edinger, Michael and Mareike Kleine. 2003. Die deutsch-ungarischen Beziehungen vor dem Gipfel von Kopenhagen. integration 26:1, pp. 78-81.
Göler, Daniel and Mareike Kleine. 2002. Die Europäische Union vor dem Verfassungskonvent: Die Zukunft Europas aus deutsch-britischer Perspektive. integration 25:2, pp. 147-150