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Lecture by Professor Jochen Mayerl on Social Science Research on the Corona Pandemic

Lecture by Jochen Mayerl

Lecture by Jochen Mayerl

News from Dec 04, 2020

As part of the project course "Political Attitudes in Times of Corona", Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl from the TU Chemnitz was a guest and gave a lecture on the topic "Social science analyses of the Corona pandemic: country characteristics, media and socio-political attitudes". The sociologist, political scientist and professor for empirical social research at the TU Chemnitz first introduced the broad field of social science research questions on the Corona pandemic. He focused primarily on the change in political attitudes, the role of the media and the spread of disinformation via social network platforms such as Twitter. In this context, Mayerl distinguished between different levels of observation, as points of contact for sociological, political science and psychological research arise on both the macro and micro levels. In a second part, he presented cross-national analyses on how different countries deal with the challenges of the pandemic, especially for the health system, and presented some empirical results of this research project. According to the results, variables such as the number of intensive care beds and the financial provision of the health system, but also the demographic characteristics of populations, are decisive for coping with the medical burdens caused by COVID-19. Many thanks to Jochen Mayerl for the interesting insight into such a current field of research and to all participants for their interest!

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