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Non-state actors' involvement in Russia is encouraged – but controlled

News from Jul 04, 2016

In the Netgovru project a team of Norwegian, Russian, German, Finnish and British researchers applies network governance theory as an analytical tool to study federal, regional and local policy-making processes in Russia. Prof. Dr. Sabine Kropp and Dr. Johannes Schuhmann contributed a case study on the interaction of state and non-state actors in environment impact assessments.

The project has resulted in, among others, a symposium in East European Politics, a special section of the journal Democratizatsiya, and the group is working on a book to be published by Palgrave.

The Research Council of Norway has funded the 4-year Netgovru project (grant number 220615) through the NORRUSS programme.

A summary of the latest research results can be found in the following blog entry published by Jan-Tore Berghei.


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