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The power of Fridays for Future

Podcast on YouTube

Podcast on YouTube

OSI-podcast on climate politics

News from May 22, 2024

As part of the Bachelor's seminar “Global environmental policy: is Germany leading the way?” (Prof. Partzsch), students Veli Georgi, Dennis Paul Dominick Sick and Dorian Georg Simonis produced a podcast on the Fridays for Future movement. The course continues the project of the lecture “Stockholm+50: Five Decades of Global Environmental Policy” and the book “The Environment in Global Sustainability Governance” (open access), which was awarded the Teaching Award of the German Political Science Association (DVPW) and the Schader Foundation. The students examined the implementation of sustainability goals in various areas of environmental policy.

In this podcast episode, the focus is on SDG 13 “Climate Action”. Veli, Dennis and Dorian talk to Luis von Randow, press spokesman for Fridays for Future Berlin, about how civil society actors exercise power and what influence Fridays for Future has on German climate policy.

Link to podcast (in German)

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