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Theses and dissertations

The Research Group Gender Studies supervises bachelor's theses, master's theses, and dissertations. If you have an idea for a topic or a question that fits the content of our research area, you are welcome to contact us. 

At this time, Prof. Kathrin Zippel is available as supervisor. Research assistants and postdocs can only supervise master theses on a case-by-case basis.

Before your thesis project can be considered, it is required that you complete at least one seminar or a research internship offered by the Research Group Gender Studies, and/or the research colloquium should be attended while writing your master's thesis.

Preferred subject areas:

  • Intersectional gender research in the areas of work, science, and academia. 

  • Gender and diversity politics

  • Comparative research with institutional approaches to gender inequalities in the US and Europe

For further subject areas, please consult the research group’s research projects and the publication lists of the staff members.

Supervision requests

If you would like to write your thesis or dissertation under the supervision of the research group, please contact the group at least 6 weeks prior to the official application deadline. For this purpose, please send the form "Application form for a thesis" and a short exposé (1-2 pages) to gender-soz@fu-berlin.de. The exposé should include a brief description of the topic and your ideas, your research question(s), methods and material. The application form is available for download in the Downloads section of this page.

When preparing your thesis, please follow the guidelines of the Institute on how to write a thesis. 

For general support and advice on the academic writing process, please contact the Counselling center located at the Studierendenwerk.

In the Downloads section of this page, you will also find a template for the statutory declaration of originality, which you will need to hand in together with the finished thesis.