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IfS Coffee & Talks

29 May, 11:00-12:00, hybrid

News from May 29, 2024

The second Coffee & Talks series session will take place on Wednesday, 29 May from 11:00-12:00.

We are pleased to welcome Prof. Céline Teney to present on The decision to flee and destination preferences of displaced Ukrainians in Berlin, Warsaw and Budapest.

The Coffee & Talks is going to take place hybrid this semester:
On site, we’ll meet in seminar room 323 at Garystr. 55, 14195 Berlin.
Online you can join via Webex: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=m9d5223a9ce78d63fa36f8402a1e2a377

The other Coffee & Talks dates will be on:
19 June and 17 July, always from 11:00-12:00.

We look forward to welcoming many of you!

No registration is required.

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