Recently published: "'Starting below Zero': On the Situation of Women* in Refugee Camps in Berlin" (Medizinethnologie-Blog)
The loss of privacy and the lack of security for women* in a space that is dominated by men* are two main challenges of everyday life in the camps.
Bildquelle: Thorsten A. Buhl
Miriam Bräu, Katharina Epstude, Ana Mara Erlenmaier, Lena Nahrwold, Maya Perusin Mysorekar, Maja Sisnowski, Laura Strott, Camila von Hein
News vom 09.08.2016
At present, there is little social scientific data available on the situation of women* living in German refugee camps. Knowing and understanding more about women*’s experiences and struggles within the asylum system is of vital importance in order to make useful political claims and provide effective support where it is needed and wanted. This aim to better understand women*’s current situations in refugee camps in Berlin brought together the NGO International Women’s Space (IWS) with a group of BA students and two lecturers from the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin. Together, we organized a research seminar, which took place in the winter term of 2015/16... [mehr]