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Publikationen/Publications 2013

Abubakar, Dauda

  • 2013. The Giving and Receiving of Zakat: Anthropological Analysis of Relationship between the 'Wealthy' and 'Needy' Citizens in Jos, Nigeria.
    In: International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 3, No. 9 (May) pp. 289 - 296b Full Text Link

Bordat, Josef

  • 2013. Bewertung von Personenschäden. Ethische und rechtliche Aspekte.
    In: Zeitschrift für Wildbach-, Lawinen-, Erosions- und Steinschlagschutz. Jg. 77 (2013), Nr. 172, S. 146-153.

Devkota, Fidel

  • 2013 Climate Change and its Socio-Cultural Impact in the Himalayan Region of Nepal - A Visual  Documentation. 

    In: AnthroVision 1,2/ 2013 http://anthrovision.revues.org/597

Dilger, Hansjörg

  • 2013. "Religion and the Formation of 'Unequal subjects' in an Urban Educational Market: Transnational Reform Processes and Intertwined Histories of Christian and Muslim Schooling in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania".
    In: Journal of Religion in Africa 43 (4): 451-479.
  • 2013. "Securing Wealth, Ordering Social Relations: Kinship, Morality, and the Configuration of Subjectivity and Belonging across the Rural-Urban Divide".
    In: Kane, Abdoulaye and Todd Leedy (Hg.): African Migrations Today: Patterns and Perspectives. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 113-132.


Dilger Hansjörg, Linn Leissner, Lenka Bosanska, Christina Lampe, Ursula Plöckinger

  • 2013. "Illness Perception and Clinical Treatment Experiences in Patients with M. Maroteaux-Lamy (Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI) and a Turkish Migration Background in Germany".
    In: PLoS ONE 8(6): e66804. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066804.

Dilger, Hansjörg, Susann Huschke, Claire Beaudevin, Dominik Mattes:

  • 2013. "Report on the International Summer School in Medical Anthropology 'Well-being at the Margins: Seeking Health in Stratified Landscapes of Medicine and Healing'".
    In: Curare 36 (4): 305-310.

Dilger, Hansjörg, Dorothea Schulz

  • 2013. "Politics of Religious Schooling: Christian and Muslim Engagements with Education in Africa", Introduction to Special Issue of Journal of Religion in Africa 43 (4) (guest editors: D. Schulz, H. Dilger): 365-378.

Dorothea Schulz, Hansjörg Dilger

  • 2013 (Hg.): "Politics of Religious Schooling: Christian and Muslim Engagements with Education in Africa".
    Schwerpunktheft in: Journal of Religion in Africa 43 (4): 365-479.


Frömming, Urte Undine


  • 2013. Urte Undine Frömming (Ed.): Virtual Environments and Cultures. A collection of Social Anthropological Research in Virtual Cultures and Landscapes (Hg.). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag, 265 Seiten


  • 2013. "Entangled Realities in Virtuality."
    In: Frömming, U. U. (Hg.): Virtual Environments and Cultures, Frankfurt am Main: pp: 23-34.
  • 2013. "Rezension zu Richard Vokes (Hg.): Photography in Africa. Ethnographic Perspectives."
    In: AFRICA. Journal of the International African Institute 2013


  • 2013. "Rezension zu Rottmann Fleischhack (Hg.) Störungen. Medien Prozesse, Körper".
    In: Anthropos 108:2013/1: 210-212.
  • 2013.  Feldforschung mit der Kamera. Der Masterstudiengang Visual and Media Anthropology am Institut für Ethnologie der Freien Universität Berlin.
    In: Ballhaus, Edmund (Hg.): Dokumentarfilm: Schulen - Projekte - Konzepte. Dietrich Reimer Verlag. S. 229-233. ISBN 978-3-496-02864-2

Grätz, Tilo

  • Radio advertising and entrepreneurial conjunctions in Benin: producers, styles & technologies
    in: Journal of African Cultural Studies. - 25 (2013), (1), pp. 42-56
    ISSN: 1369-6815 (Print), 1469-9346 (Online). -
    URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjac20/25/1#.U_MNY7FHR3s
  • The »frontier« revisited: Gold mining camps and mining communities in West Africa
    in: ZMO Working Papers. - 10 (2013), pp. 1-21
    ISSN: 2191-3897. -
    URL: http://d-nb.info/1047573628/34

Harms, Arne

  • 2013. Review of Reigning the River: Urban Ecologies and Political Transformation in Kathmandu,
    By Anne Rademacher, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 36 (3): 468 - 469
  • 2013. Harms, Arne, and Oliver Powalla:
    ‘Indien – Der Lange Marsch Zur Klimabewegung’.
    In Die Internationale Klimabewegung, edited by Matthias Dietz and Heiko Garrelts, . Wiesbaden: Springer. S.247–269


Hartmann, Sarah

  • 2013. "Education ‘Home Delivery’ in Egypt: Private Tutoring and Social Stratification"
    In: M. Bray et al. (eds.), Private Tutoring across the
      Mediterranean: Constructions, Deconstructions, and Implications for Learning and Equity, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers and Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, pp. 57-75. (peer reviewed)

Huschke, Susann

  • 2013. Kranksein in der Illegalität. Undokumentierte Lateinamerikaner/-innen in Berlin. Eine medizinethnologische Studie.
    Bielefeld: Transcript. 416 S. ISBN 978-3-8376-2393-2 (Reihe Kultur und soziale Praxis)

Köhn, Steffen

  • 2013. Organising complexities: the potential of multi-screen video-installations for ethnographic practice and representation
    in: Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies. Special Issue: Revisiting the ethnographic turn in contemporary art. - 27 (2013), 5, pp. 553-568, ISSN: 0256-0046 (Print), 1992-6049 (Online). -
    URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02560046.2013.855520#.U-nv-WNHR3u

van Lancker, Laurent

  • 2013. With(in) each other: Sensorial Practises in Recent Audio-Visual Work
    in: Art and Anthropology Practises, eds. A. Schneider and C.Wright; Berg publ. pp.143-150. ISBN-10: 0857851799

Lorenz, Daniel F.

  • 2013. „The Diversity of Resilience. Contributions from Social Science Perspective”.
    In: Natural Hazards Volume 67, Number 1, Special Issue “Resilience in Hazards Research and Planning – A Promising Concept?” (peer-reviewed), S. 7-24.


Lorenz, Daniel F.; Voss, Martin

  • 2013. "»Not a political problem«. Die Bevölkerung im Diskurs um Kritische Infrastrukturen."
    In: Leon Hempel, Marie Bartels (Hg.): „Aufbruch ins Unversicherbare. Zum Katastrophendiskurs der Gegen­wart“, Transcript, Bielefeld, S. 53-94

Luig, Ute

  • 2013. Mobilitätsdiskurse in der Ethnologie
    in: Mobilität und Wissenstransfer in diachroner und interdisziplinärer Perspektive (Topoi) / Elke Kaiser, Wolfram Schier (Hrsg.). - Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter, 2013. - S. 11-34 (Topoi Berlin-Studies of the Ancient World)
    ISBN: 3110258900. - URL: http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/129815

Meier zu Biesen, Caroline

  • 2013. Globale Epidemien - Lokale Antworten. Eine Ethnographie der Heilpflanze Artemisia annua in Tansania. Frankfurt, New York: Campus. 433 S.

Pfeffer, Georg

  • 2013. "Punjab and Haryana. Kinship and Marriage."
    In: Berger, Peter und Frank Heidemann (Hg.): The Modern Anthropology of India. Oxford, Routledge: 228-241.
  • 2013. "Jakob Rösel in und über Puri: Wer speist wann was mit wem?"
    In: Lutz-Auras und Pierre Gottschlich (Hg.) : Aus dem politischen Küchenkabinett. Eine kurze Kulturgeschichte der Kulinarik. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Professor Jakob Rösel. Baden-Baden, Nomos: 125-140.
  • 2013. "Pakistani und Deutsche"
    In: Deutsch-Pakistanisches Forum. Festschrift zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum. Pullach, Deutsch-Pakistanisches Forum: 46-53.




Poser, Anita von

  • 2013. Foodways and Empathy. Relatedness in a Ramu River Society, Papua New Guinea (Volume 4, Person, Space and Memory in the Contemporary Pacific). Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books. 288.S.         
  • 2013. (mit Bettina Ubl). Investigating the Understanding of False Belief among the Bosmun of Papua New Guinea.
    In: Jürg Wassmann, Birgit Träuble, Joachim Funke (Hrsg.), Theory of Mind in the Pacific. Reasoning across Cultures (Heidelberg Studies in Pacific Anthropology, Band1). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, S. 193-231.   
  •  2013. Vorstellungen vom Alter(n). Zur sozialen und emotionalen Lebenssituation älterer Menschen in Papua-Neuguinea.
    In: Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 34: 79-90.



Ragazzi, Rossella

Rajtar, Małgorzata

  • 2013. "Bioethics and religious bodies: Refusal of blood transfusions in Germany."
    In: Social Science & Medicine 98 (December 2013): 271-277.

Reihling, Hanspeter

  • 2013. "Positive Men: Searching for Relational Dignity through Health Activism in a South African Township."
    In: Social Dynamics 39 (1). 92-107.

Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt

  • 2013. In the Eyes of the Other: Shame and Social Conformity in the Context of Indonesian Societies.
    In: Bénédicte Sère and Jörg Wettlaufer (Eds), Shame between punishment and penance. The Social Usages of Shame in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Firenze: Sismel. Edizioni del Galluzo.
    S. 407-421. (Micrologus Library, Bd. 54). 
    ISBN 978-88-8450-482-1
    URL: http://www.sismel.it/tidetails.asp?hdntiid=1321

Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt, Gabriel Scheidecker, Susanne Jung, Manfred Holodynski:

  • 2013. Socializing emotions in childhood: A cross-cultural comparison between the Bara in Madagascar and the Minangkabau in Indonesia.
    In: Mind, Culture, and Acitivity. (Special issue on “Psychology of Emotions and Cultural Historical Activity Theory”), 2013, Vol.20: 260-287

Rutert, Britta

  • 2013. Cocchiaro, Gino, Britta Rutert: "Traditional Knowledge Commons Pools: The Story of the Kukula Traditional Health Practitioners of Bushbuckridge, South Africa."
    In: Kamau, E.C. and Winter, G.: (Hg.): Common Pools of Genetic Resources. Equality and Innovation in International Biodiversity Law. Routledge: New York, 29-40.

Sakti, Victoria Kumala

Schühle, Judith

Selim, Nasima

  • 2013. Zaman, Shahaduz, Nasima Selim and Taufique Joarder:
    McDonaldization without a McDonald's: Globalization and Food Culture as Social Determinants of Health in Urban Bangladesh'.
    In: Food, Culture & Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 16 (4): 551-568.

Stodulka, Thomas

SFB 1171 Affective Societies
Berlin Southern Theory Lecture