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Florian Primig M. A.

Florian Primig

Arbeitsstelle Digitalisierung und Partizipation

Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft

Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Garystraße 55
Raum 165
14195 Berlin


Im Sommersemester 2024 biete ich keine Sprechstundentermine an. Die Aufnahme weiterer Betreuungen von Abschlussarbeiten ist derzeit ebenfalls nicht möglich.

Studium der Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München und an der University of Copenhagen ("Cognition and Communication"). Seit Oktober 2020 ist Florian Primig wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Arbeitsstelle Digitalisierung und Partizipation des Instituts für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. 

Wintersemester 2023/24:

28520 BA PuK: Seminar: Introduction to critical disinformation studies

28562 BA PuK/BA Medieninformatik: Seminar: Einführung in die empirische Kommunikationsforschung

28631 BA PuK: Seminar: Rechte Netzwerke auf Telegram: Strukturen und Inhalte (gekoppelt mit 28627)

Wintersemester 2022/23:

28563 BA PuK Seminar: Einführung in die empirische Kommunikationsforschung

28517 BA PuK Seminar: Introduction to Critical Disinformation Studies

28632 BA PuK Seminar: Diverging Rationalities? Normative Principles in the Epistemic Crisis

Sommersemester 2022:

28623 BA PuK Seminar: Wissen, Gegenwissen, knowledge resistance - die Corona Protestbewegung in Deutschland

Wintersemester 2021/22:

28518 Seminar BA PuK: Introduction to Critical Disinformation Studies

28624 Seminar BA PuK: (Soziale) Medien und Protestbewegungen

Sommersemester 2021:

S28511: BA PuK Seminar: Wer glaubt denn sowas? Zur "Lügenpresse" und Fake News im Internet.

S28573: BA PuK Seminar: Wenn Fakten quer liegen - professionelles Factchecking in der Coronakrise.

Wintersemester 2020/21: 

S28635: BA PuK Seminar: Partizipation, Fake News und Demokratie – der Umgang mit Wissen im digitalen Zeitalter.



  • Digitale und Soziale Medien
  • Desinformation & Misinformation
  • Wissen und Wahrheit in der digitalen Öffentlichkeit
  • Medienvertrauen und Vertrauen in epistemische Autorität


Primig, F., & Fröschl, F. (2024). Introducing the FROG tool for gathering Telegram data. Mobile Media & Communication, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/20501579241244973

Primig, F. (2024). Thinking different as an act of resistance: Reconceptualizing the German protests in the COVID-19 pandemic as an emergent counter-knowledge order. Discourse & Society, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1177/09579265241231593

Primig, F., Szabó, H. D. & Lacasa, P. (2023). Remixing war: An analysis of the reimagination of the Russian–Ukraine war on TikTok. Frontiers in Political Science, 5. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpos.2023.1085149 

Primig, F. (2022). The Influence of Media Trust and Normative Role Expectations on the Credibility of Fact Checkers, Journalism Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2022.2080102


Primig, F. (2024, 20.-24. June). Emerging Counter-Knowledge Orders: Towards a Conceptualization of Persistent Diverging Rationalities in Digitalized Society (ICA 2024 post conference P³: Power, Propaganda, Polarisation) [Conference paper]. 74th Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Gold Coast, Australia.

Primig, F. (2024, 20.-24. June). Knowing (less) together: Toward an Understanding of Misinformed Publics as Counter-Knowledge Orders [Conference paper]. 74th Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Gold Coast, Australia.

Primig, F., & Lück-Benz, J. (2024, 20.-24. June). Online Monitoring Activism: Civic Surveillance Practices as a Reaction to the Rise of the Far-Right in the COVID-19 Pandemic [Conference paper]. 74th Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Gold Coast, Australia.

Primig, F. (2024, 20.-24. June). Thinking Different as an Act of Resistance: Reconceptualizing the German Protests in the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Counter-Knowledge Order [Conference paper]. 74th Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Gold Coast, Australia.

Primig, F. & Fröschl, F. (2024, 13.-15. März). Introducing the FROG tool for gathering Telegram data. [Conference paper / Software]. 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik-und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Erfurt, Deutschland.

Primig, F. & Lück-Benz, J. (2024, 19. January). Online Monitoring Activism: Civic surveillance practices as a reaction to the rise of the far-right in the COVID-19 pandemic. [Virtual symposium]. Democracy in Flux: Virtual Symposium on Political Communication Research at Indiana University and Freie Universität.

Primig, F. (2023, 30. September - 01. Oktober). The rationality of the Corona protest movement: A large scale mixed-methods critical discourse analysis of an emergent alternative knowledge order. [Conference paper]. ECREA PolComm23 (ECREA), Berlin, Deutschland.

Kuznetsova, E., Makhortykh, M., Litvinenko, A., Nechushtai, E., Kröner, F., & Primig, F. (2023, 19.-20. June). Journalism vs. Propaganda: The Role of Algorithms during the War in Ukraine [Conference roundtable]. 5th Weizenbaum Conference (Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society), Berlin, Deutschland.

Primig, F., Szabó, H. D., & Lacasa, P. (2023, 25.-29. May). Remixing war: An analysis of the reimagination of the Russian–Ukraine war on TikTok [Conference paper]. 73rd Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Toronto Kanada.

Primig, F., & Litvinenko, A. (2023, 25.-29. May). Stitching the Narrative: The Role of Pro-Russian Fringe Communities on TikTok During Russia's War in Ukraine [Conference paper]. 73rd Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Toronto, Kanada.

Primig, F. (2022, 19.-22. Oktober).“Not without us!” An exploration of knowledge resistance and grip to interpretativepower of epistemic authority within the corona protest movement. [Conference paper]. 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus, Dänemark.

Primig, F. (2022, 01.-02. September). Reibungslose Bewegung? Die Rationalität der Corona Protestbewegung in Deutschland [Conference presentation]. MOTRA-K #2022, Wiesbaden, Deutschland.

Primig, F. (2021, 27.-31. May). Checkmate for Fact Checking: The Influence of Media Trust, and Normative Role Expectations on the Credibility of Fact Checkers and Fact Checking [Conference paper]. 71st Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Denver, Colorado.