Florian Primig M. A.
Arbeitsstelle Digitalisierung und Partizipation
Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Im Sommersemester 2024 biete ich keine Sprechstundentermine an. Die Aufnahme weiterer Betreuungen von Abschlussarbeiten ist derzeit ebenfalls nicht möglich.
Studium der Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München und an der University of Copenhagen ("Cognition and Communication"). Seit Oktober 2020 ist Florian Primig wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Arbeitsstelle Digitalisierung und Partizipation des Instituts für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft.
Wintersemester 2023/24:
28520 BA PuK: Seminar: Introduction to critical disinformation studies
28562 BA PuK/BA Medieninformatik: Seminar: Einführung in die empirische Kommunikationsforschung
28631 BA PuK: Seminar: Rechte Netzwerke auf Telegram: Strukturen und Inhalte (gekoppelt mit 28627)
Wintersemester 2022/23:
28563 BA PuK Seminar: Einführung in die empirische Kommunikationsforschung
28517 BA PuK Seminar: Introduction to Critical Disinformation Studies
28632 BA PuK Seminar: Diverging Rationalities? Normative Principles in the Epistemic Crisis
Sommersemester 2022:
28623 BA PuK Seminar: Wissen, Gegenwissen, knowledge resistance - die Corona Protestbewegung in Deutschland
Wintersemester 2021/22:
28518 Seminar BA PuK: Introduction to Critical Disinformation Studies
28624 Seminar BA PuK: (Soziale) Medien und Protestbewegungen
Sommersemester 2021:
S28511: BA PuK Seminar: Wer glaubt denn sowas? Zur "Lügenpresse" und Fake News im Internet.
S28573: BA PuK Seminar: Wenn Fakten quer liegen - professionelles Factchecking in der Coronakrise.
Wintersemester 2020/21:
S28635: BA PuK Seminar: Partizipation, Fake News und Demokratie – der Umgang mit Wissen im digitalen Zeitalter.
- Digitale und Soziale Medien
- Desinformation & Misinformation
- Wissen und Wahrheit in der digitalen Öffentlichkeit
- Medienvertrauen und Vertrauen in epistemische Autorität
Primig, F., & Fröschl, F. (2024). Introducing the FROG tool for gathering Telegram data. Mobile Media & Communication, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/20501579241244973
Primig, F. (2024). Thinking different as an act of resistance: Reconceptualizing the German protests in the COVID-19 pandemic as an emergent counter-knowledge order. Discourse & Society, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1177/09579265241231593
Primig, F., Szabó, H. D. & Lacasa, P. (2023). Remixing war: An analysis of the reimagination of the Russian–Ukraine war on TikTok. Frontiers in Political Science, 5. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpos.2023.1085149
Primig, F. (2022). The Influence of Media Trust and Normative Role Expectations on the Credibility of Fact Checkers, Journalism Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2022.2080102
Primig, F. (2024, 20.-24. June). Emerging Counter-Knowledge Orders: Towards a Conceptualization of Persistent Diverging Rationalities in Digitalized Society (ICA 2024 post conference P³: Power, Propaganda, Polarisation) [Conference paper]. 74th Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Gold Coast, Australia.
Primig, F. (2024, 20.-24. June). Knowing (less) together: Toward an Understanding of Misinformed Publics as Counter-Knowledge Orders [Conference paper]. 74th Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Gold Coast, Australia.
Primig, F., & Lück-Benz, J. (2024, 20.-24. June). Online Monitoring Activism: Civic Surveillance Practices as a Reaction to the Rise of the Far-Right in the COVID-19 Pandemic [Conference paper]. 74th Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Gold Coast, Australia.
Primig, F. (2024, 20.-24. June). Thinking Different as an Act of Resistance: Reconceptualizing the German Protests in the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Counter-Knowledge Order [Conference paper]. 74th Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Gold Coast, Australia.
Primig, F. & Fröschl, F. (2024, 13.-15. März). Introducing the FROG tool for gathering Telegram data. [Conference paper / Software]. 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik-und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Erfurt, Deutschland.
Primig, F. & Lück-Benz, J. (2024, 19. January). Online Monitoring Activism: Civic surveillance practices as a reaction to the rise of the far-right in the COVID-19 pandemic. [Virtual symposium]. Democracy in Flux: Virtual Symposium on Political Communication Research at Indiana University and Freie Universität.
Primig, F. (2023, 30. September - 01. Oktober). The rationality of the Corona protest movement: A large scale mixed-methods critical discourse analysis of an emergent alternative knowledge order. [Conference paper]. ECREA PolComm23 (ECREA), Berlin, Deutschland.
Kuznetsova, E., Makhortykh, M., Litvinenko, A., Nechushtai, E., Kröner, F., & Primig, F. (2023, 19.-20. June). Journalism vs. Propaganda: The Role of Algorithms during the War in Ukraine [Conference roundtable]. 5th Weizenbaum Conference (Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society), Berlin, Deutschland.
Primig, F., Szabó, H. D., & Lacasa, P. (2023, 25.-29. May). Remixing war: An analysis of the reimagination of the Russian–Ukraine war on TikTok [Conference paper]. 73rd Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Toronto Kanada.
Primig, F., & Litvinenko, A. (2023, 25.-29. May). Stitching the Narrative: The Role of Pro-Russian Fringe Communities on TikTok During Russia's War in Ukraine [Conference paper]. 73rd Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Toronto, Kanada.
Primig, F. (2022, 19.-22. Oktober).“Not without us!” An exploration of knowledge resistance and grip to interpretativepower of epistemic authority within the corona protest movement. [Conference paper]. 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus, Dänemark.
Primig, F. (2022, 01.-02. September). Reibungslose Bewegung? Die Rationalität der Corona Protestbewegung in Deutschland [Conference presentation]. MOTRA-K #2022, Wiesbaden, Deutschland.
Primig, F. (2021, 27.-31. May). Checkmate for Fact Checking: The Influence of Media Trust, and Normative Role Expectations on the Credibility of Fact Checkers and Fact Checking [Conference paper]. 71st Annual ICA Conference (International Communication Association), Denver, Colorado.