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New Journal Article "Individual Values and Acculturation Processes of Immigrant Groups from Turkey: Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands" by Dr. Ergün Özgür

News vom 02.06.2021

This quantitative research describes the values of three ethnic groups in comparison with each other as well as with the native groups. It also discusses the acculturation processes of Circassians, Kurds and Turks in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. The first research question, “Do immigrant and native groups have similar values?” shows value similarities of Circassians with the French in Belgium, German and Dutch respondents. They have value differences from Flemish respondents. Kurds and Turks have value similarities with German and Flemish respondents, and they have value differences from the Dutch. The second research question, “What acculturation processes do immigrant groups go through?”, confirms high hard assimilation means of Circassians, and high separation means of Turks and Kurds in the Netherlands. In Belgium, Turks have hard high assimilation means, is unexpected, given that Belgium has been a modestly multicultural country. In Turkey, Kurds and Circassians have high assimilation, and Circassians have high integration means. Contrary to the discourses about less participation of immigrants, research findings reveal value similarities of immigrant and native groups in three countries. The European authorities need to develop participative policies to reduce immigrants’ sense of discrimination and natives’ perception of threat for a peaceful society.

Key words: immigrant groups from Turkey, individual values, acculturation processes, discrimination-threat perception, European countries

Özgür E. (2021). Individual Values and Acculturation Processes of Immigrant Groups from Turkey: Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 15(1), 69-97. http://www.e-migration.ro/jims/Vol15_No1_2021/JIMS_Vol15_No1_2021_pp_69_97_OZGUR.pdf


Dr. Ergün Özgür is an Einstein Guest Researcher at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at FU Berlin.

She also recently published a newspaper article titled

"Bizim Cadılarımız: Geleneğin Gözden Geçirilmesi" [Our witches: Reconsideration of the tradition] 

This article reflects the current discussion of women rights and responsibilities defined by the tradition and its restriction on Circassian women. These issues were raised by a newly founded young Circassian women organisation called Almasti (Wich). In their declaration, Almasti group criticised the pressures on women due to their tradition (Xabze); and they call other women to discuss these issues and try to find out better solutions together. Although the discourse in the Circassian community is women’s equality and freedom compared to the society, they are living, Almasti group has been attacked in online platforms primarily by male and some female for not knowing the culture and tradition, how they dare they criticise to ‘Xabze’. The article starts with the introduction of Slyvia Federici’s book on ‘Caliban and the Witch: Women, Body and The Primitive Accumulation’ (2004) that the capital accumulation and the reasons behind the witch-hunting in the 16 and 17th centuries and how women, especially poor, old and healers were attacked and burned after blaming them as witches. The author relates the attacks towards Almasti group witch hunthing in 16-17 cc, although they openly call for coming together and discuss what is wrong in the tradition. It ends up an oral witch history told in Uzunyayla, a region in Central Anatolia, where many Circassians deported from the Caucasus live since 19th century.

The article (in Turkish) can be accessed thorugh this link: https://jinepsgazetesi.com/2021/03/bizim-cadilarimiz-gelenegin-gozden-gecirilmesi/

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