Exporting the State Monopoly on Violence: Security Governance Transfers to Areas of Limited Statehood
DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 700 <br>"Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit - Neue Formen des Regieren?"
Freie Universität Berlin
The project asks under which conditions comprehensive transfers of the state monopoly on violence to areas of limited statehood are fully or partially successfull and when they fail. As its main research objective, the project aims to explain the quite considerable variation in the output (understood as the institutionalisation of rules and the provision of administrative structures, instruments and services in the assisted regions) of recent international security governance tranfers. To asses how and with what results external actors (re)construct state monopolies on violence in areas of limited statehood, the project compares the transfer of security related institutional rules, organisational structures and technical capacities to Timor Leste, Liberia and the Palestinian Territories. In this context, the project aims to isolate the causal mechanisms that link international security governance transfers to the emergence of effective and legitimate security governance in a recipient state.