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Curriculum Development Workshops

All project activities and events aimed to forge deeper links between teaching and research in the Humboldtian sense. Among others, the EuroMed Studies Programme at Cairo University embarked on a review of the current curriculum and the development of a new course on the “challenges of transformation”. German Jordanian University used the project in order to move ahead in integrating Social Sciences more thoroughly in the overall profile. Benghazi, Tunis and Berlin benefited from these conceptual debates and used or will use the toolbox of curriculum development for the adaptation of their respective courses. All partners shared their classroom and curricular experiences, exchanged new literature and engaged in self-reflexive debates. In addition to the practical work which was successfully implemented, these epistemological, institutional and disciplinary translation processes initiated a fundamental learning process for all partners involved.                               

In Cairo and Amman, partners focused primarily on the needs and requirements for the course while their counterparts from Freie Universität Berlin shared their curricula and syllabi. We discussed participatory didactics, new literature, innovative teaching techniques and how to implement these in various academic environments. Project partners engaged in intensive discussions about interdisciplinarity e.g. between Political Sciences and Economics and the different perspectives on issues of e.g. methodology and “core content”.

Building on these debates, the Curriculum Workshop in Amman went even further in trying to bridge the gap between different disciplines and study program profiles: How can social science perspectives be integrated in a meaningful way in a BA in Management? In addition to the teacher’s perspective, project partners discussed with Jordanian students after an experimental session at German Jordanian University. Their feedback as well as the feedback of Egyptian and German students was integrated in the specification of the pilot courses thus creating a multilevel feedback loop.