09.12.: Public Lecture on Political Culture in Post - Qadahfi Libya
News vom 03.12.2014
The Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics kindly invites you jointly with the German-Arab Friendship Association (DAFG) to a lecture by Prof. Amal Obeidi on „Political Culture in Post-Qadhafi Libya“ that will take place on Thursday, December 9, 2014 at 6:30 PM at the German-Arab Friendship Association (DAFG), Friedrichstr. 185 (Kontorhaus), 10117 Berlin.
We would be delighted to welcome you and kindly ask you to register online for this event or to contact Christine Rollin, Desk Officer for Politics, Media & Communication (dafg@dafg.eu; Phone: 030-2064 9411;Fax: 030-2064 8889). We will not send registration confirmations.
Political culture is one of the main approaches being used to understand the attitudes of Libyan’s behaviour towards Qadhafi’s political system. However, the collapse of the Libyan regime in 2011 was proof of its failed political socialization process, which targeted Libyan citizens since their young age, through education, ideology, religion, and non-state institutions. In her talk, Libyan political scientist Amal Obeidi will re-explore the political culture of post-Qadhafi Libya and identify changing trends among elements of the transitional period such as the constitution and the is-sue of identity. The talk will be followed by a discussion.
Prof. Obeidi is an Associate Professor for Comparative Politics at the University of Beghazi, Libya. In her research she mainly focuses on security topics, especially in the Mediterranean; gender issues; and public policies. She has been a visiting scholar at the Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies in the frame of the DAAD-funded project "Challenges and Transformations in the Wake of the Arab Spring – Adressing Social and Political Change through Teaching and Research".
Chair: Naoual Belakhdar, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics, Freie Universität Berlin