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André Weißenfels

André Weißenfels

Freie Universität Berlin

Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Arbeitsstelle Politik im Maghreb, Mashreq und Golf

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Ihnestraße 22
Raum 223
14195 Berlin

André Weißenfels is a research assistant at the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics and a PhD fellow at the Berlin Graduate School for Muslim Cultures and Societies. His PhD thesis is an ethnographically inspired study of an electronics factory in Tunis. During his time as a MECAM fellow in Tunis, André started another research project that focuses on collective management of ressources and self-governance. His main research interests are: Anarchism, Political Economy, and Knowledge-Power-Problematics.

WiSe 2022/2023

15153 Proseminar
Anarchistische Theorie aus Maghrab Mashreq und Golf

SoSe 2022

15292 Hauptseminar
Anarchistische Theorie aus Maghreb, Mashreq und Golf

WiSe 2021/2022

15290 Hauptseminar
Lektürekurs - Samir Amin. Entwicklung der Unterentwicklung

SoSe 2021

15101 Proseminar
Bedingungen von Wissensproduktion. Antikoloniale Perspektiven und institutionelle Herausforderungen

Gemeinsam mit Judith Möllhoff 

WiSe 2020/2021

15101 Proseminar

Lektüreseminar "Samir Amin - Entwicklung der Unterentwicklung"

SoSe 2020

15101 Proseminar

Samir Amin - Entwicklung der Unterentwicklung. Lektüreseminar

WiSe 2019/20

15290 Hauptseminar

Entwicklungspolitik in Tunesien

SoSe 2019:

15103 Proseminar:
Arbeit, ArbeiterInnen und Arbeitsplätze in MMG

WiSe 2018/19:

15007 Proseminar
(PS/MWA) Politik und Transformation von Staatlichkeit im Maghreb, Mashreq und Golf
Gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders

SoSe 2018:

15103 Proseminar
Neoliberale Gouvernementalität im Maghreb


Weißenfels, André (to be published): "A good Job but not a Good Life. Uneven and Combined Development in a Tunisian Factory", in Hoffmann/Strümpel (Hrsg.): "Industrial Labour in an Unequal World: Ethnographic Perspectives on Uneven and Combined Development"; De Gruyter series "Work in Global and Historical Perspective"

Weißenfels, André (2022). The Promise of Education. Trafo - Blog for Transregional Research. Online unter: https://trafo.hypotheses.org/32110

Weißenfels, André (2022). Doing Research „Out of Vengeance” – an Interview with Aymen Amayed. Trafo - Blog for Transregional Research. Online unter:https://trafo.hypotheses.org/32093

Weißenfels, André (2021). Middle Class Factory: The (Partial) Privilege of Industrial Labor in Tunisia. Trafo - Blog for Transregional Research. Online unter: https://trafo.hypotheses.org/27376


2022: Vortrag "Managing Quality in a Tunisian Factory", Insaniyyat Tunis, 20.-24. 09.

2022: Vortrag "Structures of Collective Management and Self-Governance in Tunisia. The cases of Jemna and Ouled Jaballah", DOT Berlin 12.-17. 09.

2020: Präsentation Workshop Paper “A good Job but not a good life. Ambiguous Realities and Uneven and Combined Development in a factory in Tunis”, 19. – 21. Juni 2020

2021: Vortrag “Standardization and (Im)mobility in Industrial Labor”, MECAM Winter Talk “Industrial Labor, Inequality and Mobility”, 17. November 2021

2019: Input zur Forschungsethik auf dem Workshop „Ethnographische Politikforschung“ der Themengruppe „Ethnographische Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft“ der DVPW, Leipzig 04.-05. Oktober 2019

2019 : Präsentation Workshop Paper : “The factory as a site of national and individual development. A Tunisian case study”, Internationaler Workshop “Past and Present through the Lens of the Factory”, Panteion Universität Athen, 27.-28. Mai 2019

2018: Vortrag “L’exploitation bureaucratique et la promis de la bureaucratie“, Internationaler Workshop “Colloque Citoyenneté Industrielle”, L'Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain, Tunis, 25.-27.06.2018

2018: Präsentation Workshop Paper “Bureaucratic exploitation of labor and the promise of bureaucracy”, Internationaler Workshop “Across the 'Post‐Industrial' Divide: Rearticulating the Factory as an Object of Inquiry in History and Anthropology“,re:work (IGK Work and Human Life Cycle in Global History), Berlin, 03. Mai 2018

2017: Präsentation Workshop Paper “Bureaucracy at Work. Re-regulation and Re-formalisation of Work in a Tunisian Factory”, Internationaler Workshop “Time and Money: Themes in Labour Relations”, , CeMIS, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, 18.-19. Dezember 2017