Publications • Gender I Body I Sexuality • Department of Political and Social Sciences

Neapels tätowierte Augen als materielle Mittler zwischen ‚bösem Blick‘ und ‚Vigilanz‘

Neapels tätowierte Augen als materielle Mittler zwischen ‚bösem Blick‘ und ‚Vigilanz‘

Severin Penger

Vigilanzkulturen | 2024-05-16

Penger, Severin. 2024. Neapels tätowierte Augen als materielle Mittler zwischen ‚bösem Blick‘ und ‚Vigilanz‘. In: Vigilanzkulturen, 16.05.24. (25.09.2024)

Zwischen Stigma und Kult – die jahrtausendealte Geschichte der Tätowierung. Podcast AHA! History.

Severin Penger

Appeared in: Viola Koegst (ed.)

Penger, Severin 2024: Zwischen Stigma und Kult – die jahrtausendealte Geschichte der Tattoos. Aha History. Der history-Podcast von Welt. 13 Min. Online available: (18.11.2024)

The Religious Which Is Political: Revisiting Pnina Werbner’s Imagined Diasporas and Beyond

Claudia Liebelt

Religions 15 | 2024

2024 The Religious Which Is Political: Revisiting Pnina Werbner’s Imagined Diasporas and Beyond. Religions 15(319): 1-9.

Aesthetic Citizenship, Beauty Politics and the State: an Introduction (with A. Kukuczka)

Claudia Liebelt , A. Kukuczka

Citizenship Studies | 2024

Kukuczka, A., & Liebelt, C. (2024). Aesthetic citizenship, beauty politics and the state: an introduction. Citizenship Studies, 28(1), 1–15.

Istanbul Appearances: beauty and the Making of Middle-Class Femininities in Urban Turkey

Istanbul Appearances: Beauty and the Making of Middle-Class Femininities in Urban Turkey

Claudia Liebelt

Syracuse University Press | 2023

Liebelt, Claudia (2023): Istanbul Appearances: beauty and the Making of Middle-Class Femininities in Urban Turkey. Syracuse University Press.

Pnina Werbner: an Obituary

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Anthropological Journal of European Cultures Blog. Online: (29 March 2023)

Liebelt, Claudia (2023). Pnina Werbner: an Obituary. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures Blog. Online: (29 March 2023)

Kolonya Renaissance: Disinfection, Healing, and the Role of Eau de Cologne during the early COVID-19 crisis in Turkey and its Diaspora

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief, 19(5)

Liebelt, Claudia (2023, in print): Kolonya Renaissance: Disinfection, Healing, and the Role of Eau de Cologne during the early COVID-19 crisis in Turkey and its Diaspora, Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief, 19(5)

Scented Entanglements: on olfactory racism and the “forgetting” of odours and scents in the anthropological study of “race”

Claudia Liebelt

Boasblogs | 2023

Appeared in: M. Bojadzijev, K. Schramm, M. Sharma & S. Zeineddine (eds.), Undoing Race and Racism: Anthropological Interventions, Boasblogs. Online: (29 March 2023)

Liebelt, Claudia (2023). Scented Entanglements: on olfactory racism and the “forgetting” of odours and scents in the anthropological study of “race”. In: M. Bojadzijev, K. Schramm, M. Sharma & S. Zeineddine (eds.), Undoing Race and Racism: Anthropological Interventions, Boasblogs. Online: (29 March 2023)

DLF Interview: Wie Körperbilder und Schönheitsideale mit staatlicher Politik zusammen hängen

Beauty and the State Conference

Claudia Liebelt

Deutschlandfunk Kultur | 2023

Liebelt, Claudia (2023): Wie Körperbilder und Schönheitsideale mit staatlicher Politik zusammen hängen; Radio Interview Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 21. Juli 2023, 17:18 Uhr, 09:19 Minuten

Cultura, política, sexualidade e gênero na América Latina

Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Rio de Janeiro: Autografia | 2022

Appeared in: Freitas, Eliane; Pinto, Rhanielly Pereira do Nascimento & Zanoli, Vinícius (eds.)

Freitas, Eliane; Pinto, Rhanielly Pereira do Nascimento & Zanoli, Vinícius (eds.). 2022. Cultura, política, sexualidade e gênero na América Latina. Rio de Janeiro: Autografia.

Ativismos LGBT em Campinas (SP): Fragmentos de uma trajetória

Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Rio de Janeiro: Autografia | 2022

Appeared in: Eliane Freitas, Rhanielly Pereira do Nascimento Pinto & Vinícius Zanoli (eds.), Cultura, política, sexualidade e gênero na América Latina.

Zanoli, Vinícius. 2022. “Ativismos LGBT em Campinas (SP): Fragmentos de uma trajetória,” in Eliane Freitas, Rhanielly Pereira do Nascimento Pinto & Vinícius Zanoli (eds.), Cultura, política, sexualidade e gênero na América Latina. Rio de Janeiro: Autografia.

Tattoos - Vom Seefahrerkult zum Massenphänomen. Radio Podcast

Panazee auf der Haut

Severin Penger

Appeared in: Steiner, Claudia (ed.). 2022. Tattoos - Vom Seefahrerkult zum Massenphänomen.

Penger, Severin 2022: Vom Seefahrerkult zum Massenphänomen. Podcast Bayrischer Rundfunk, Gespräch mit Claudia Steiner, 23Min. Online available: (09.09.2022)

Zur Teilbarkeit ethnographischer Forschungsdaten. Oder: Wie viel Privatheit braucht ethnographische Forschung? Ein Gedankenaustausch.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Behrend, A.; Knecht, M.; Liebelt, C.; Pauli, J.; Rao, U.; Rizzolli, M.; Röttger-Rössler, B.; Stodulka, T.; Zenker, O. (eds.): Working Paper SFB 1171 Affective Societies 01/22.

Liebelt, Claudia 2022: Zur Teilbarkeit ethnographischer Forschungsdaten. Oder: Wie viel Privatheit braucht ethnographische Forschung? Ein Gedankenaustausch. In: Behrend, A.; Knecht, M.; Liebelt, C.; Pauli, J.; Rao, U.; Rizzolli, M.; Röttger-Rössler, B.; Stodulka, T.; Zenker, O. (eds.), Working Paper SFB 1171 Affective Societies 01/22, ISSN 2509-3827, Static URL:

From Manicurist to Aesthetic Vanguard: the Biopolitics of Beauty and the Changing Role of Beauty Service Work in Turkey

Claudia Liebelt

New York: Palgrave Macmillan | 2022

Appeared in: Tate, Sh. and E. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Race and Gender, pp. 103-119.

Liebelt, Claudia 2022: From Manicurist to Aesthetic Vanguard: the Biopolitics of Beauty and the Changing Role of Beauty Service Work in Turkey. In: Tate, Sh. and E. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Race and Gender. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 103-119. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-83947-5

Beauty: What Makes Us Dream, What Haunts Us

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Feminist Anthropology.

Liebelt, Claudia 2022: Beauty: What Makes Us Dream, What Haunts Us. Feminist Anthropology.

Revisiting Marilyn Strathern’s Relations: a Relational Reading

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 146 (1), with E. Alber, T. Häberlein, J. Martin, S. Maurus, T. Thelen and T. Zoanni

Liebelt, Claudia 2021: (with E. Alber, T. Häberlein, J. Martin, S. Maurus, T. Thelen and T. Zoanni), Revisiting Marilyn Strathern’s Relations: a Relational Reading, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 146 (1).

Participação Política LGBTI+ no Brasil: Passado, Presente e Projetos de Futuro

Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Appeared in: Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Homocultura (REBEH). v. 4 n. 14 (2021): REBEH V.4 N.14 (2021)

Vinicius Zanoli (with Silvia Aguião & Cleyton Feitosa): Participação Política LGBTI+ no Brasil: Passado, Presente e Projetos de Futuro. In: Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Homocultura (REBEH), 2021, 4 (14), 23-31.

Zwischen Haut- und Stadtbild: Wie Tätowierungen Neapel transformieren und repräsentieren.

Zibaldone. Zeitschrift für italienische Kultur der Gegenwart.

Severin Penger

Stauffenburg Verlag | 2021

Appeared in: Bremer, Thomas, Sabine Schrader und Daniel Winkler (ed.) Zibaldone. Zeitschrift für italienische Kultur der Gegenwart. Nr. 72.

Penger, Severin 2021: Zwischen Haut- und Stadtbild: Wie Tätowierungen Neapel transformieren und repräsentieren. In: Bremer, Thomas, Sabine Schrader und Daniel Winkler (ed.) Zibaldone. Zeitschrift für italienische Kultur der Gegenwart. Stauffenburg Verlag. Nr. 72: "Neapel als intermediale Bühne"

Bildungsberatungsstellen in Bayreuth: Ein Wegweiser 2021

Diana Carolina Mignano

Stadt Bayreuth | 2021

Mignano, Diana (2021): Bildungsberatungsstellen in Bayreuth. Ein Wegweiser 2021. Stadt Bayreuth.

Negotiating “Islamic” Beauty in Turkey, or Conceptualizing the Complex Entanglements Between Beauty and Religion

The Routledge Companion to Beauty Politics

Claudia Liebelt

London, New York: Routledge | 2021

Appeared in: Craig, M. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Beauty Politics (Routledge Companion Series)

Liebelt, Claudia (2021) Negotiating “Islamic” Beauty in Turkey, or Conceptualizing the Complex Entanglements Between Beauty and Religion. In: Craig, M. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Beauty Politics (Routledge Companion Series). London, New York: Routledge, pp. 247–254.

Review on: "Working out desire: women, sport, & self-making in Istanbul" by Sertaç Sehlikoglu, Syracuse, NY, Syracuse University Press, 2021.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Contemporary Levant 6: 187-188. DOI: 10.1080/20581831.2021.1950395

Liebelt, Claudia 2021: Working out desire: women, sport, & self-making in Istanbul. Book review in Contemporary Levant 6: 187-188. DOI: 10.1080/20581831.2021.1950395

Interview "Cultures of Hygiene"

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Allegra Laboratory, June 24, with Mihir Sharma

Liebelt, Claudia 2020: (with Mihir Sharma) Cultures of Hygiene: Interview with Claudia Liebelt. Allegra Laboratory, June 24, at

Bradando contra todas as opressões! Ativismos LGBT, negros, populares e periféricos em relação.

Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Salvador, Brazil: Devires | 2020

Zanoli, Vinícius, 2020. Bradando contra todas as opressões! Ativismos LGBT, negros, populares e periféricos em relação. Salvador, Brazil: Devires.

Review: Burkhard Schnepel - Könige, Narren und Träumer. Essays zu einer Ethnologie der Person.

Burkhard Schnepel: Könige, Narren und Träumer. Essays zu einer Ethnologie der Person

Severin Penger

Sociologus. Journal for Social Anthropology. | 2020

Appeared in: Vol. 1, Nr. 70.

Penger, Severin 2020 (review): Burkhard Schnepel, Könige, Narren und Träumer. Essays zu einer Ethnologie der Person. In: Sociologus. Journal for Social Anthropology. Vol. 1, Nr. 70.

Die Tätowierung ist zu einer therapeutischen Normalität geworden.

Nankurunaisa – japanische Positivität als globaler Tattoo-Trend

Severin Penger

Kon - Magazin für Literatur und Kultur | 2020

Appeared in: Nr. 7.

Penger, Severin 2020 (Interview): Die Tätowierung ist zu einer therapeutischen Normalität geworden. In: Kon - Magazin für Literatur und Kultur. [kon] Paper e.V.

DjumbaiALA: Contributing to Polyphonic Dialogues across the Middle Passage

Diana Carolina Mignano

Appeared in: Duarte de Souza, Cláudio Manoel; Gruber, Valerie V. V.; Diana Mignano; Ndi, Gilbert Schang. In: Newsletter of Africa Studies at the University of Bayreuth Bd. XVIII (2020). S. 82-83.

Duarte de Souza, Cláudio Manoel; Gruber, Valerie V. V.; Diana Mignano; Ndi, Gilbert Schang (2020): DjumbaiALA: Contributing to Polyphonic Dialogues across the Middle Passage. In: Newsletter of Africa Studies at the University of Bayreuth Bd. XVIII (2020). S. 82-83.

Bildung in Bayreuth 2020. Erster Bildungsbericht der Stadt Bayreuth.

Diana Carolina Mignano

Stadt Bayreuth | 2020

Hildermann, Daniel; Mignano, Diana (2020): Bildung in Bayreuth 2020. Erster Bildungsbericht der Stadt Bayreuth. Stadt Bayreuth.

Negros, LGBTI e periféricos: o impacto das relações entre movimentos na consolidação de ativismos interseccionais

Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Appeared in: Controversias, 215

Zanoli, Vinícius. 2020. “Negros, LGBTI e periféricos: o impacto das relações entre movimentos na consolidação de ativismos interseccionais.” Controversias, 215.

Academic Research Blog “Cultures of Hygiene”

Claudia Liebelt

Liebelt, Claudia: May 2020–July 2021, “Cultures of Hygiene,” Academic Research Blog,

Ästhetische „Upgrades“ in Istanbul: Über alternde Körper und ästhetische Körpermodifikation als Überwachungsmedizin [Beautifying Istanbul: on neo-liberal selves and aesthetic body modification as a form of surveillance medicine]

Claudia Liebelt

Wiesba­den: Springer VS | 2020

Appeared in: Sahinol, M. and R. Motika (eds). Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper: Interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven, pp. 139-156.

Liebelt, Claudia 2020: Ästhetische „Upgrades“ in Istanbul: Über alternde Körper und ästhetische Körpermodifikation als Überwachungsmedizin. In: Sahinol, M. and R. Motika (eds). Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper: Interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven. Wiesba­den: Springer VS, pp. 139-156.

‘Mais ativista do que gestora’: ativismo institucional no campo do movimento LGBT em Campinas

Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Appeared in: Sociologia & Antropologia, 9 (2), 495-517.

Zanoli, Vinícius. 2019. “‘Mais ativista do que gestora’: ativismo institucional no campo do movimento LGBT em Campinas.” Sociologia & Antropologia, 9 (2), 495-517.

Black, LGBT and from the Favelas: An Ethnographic Account on Disidentificatory Performances of an Activist Group in Brazil

Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Appeared in: with Rubens Mascarenhas Neto, Culture Unbound, 11 (1), 124-140

Mascarenhas Neto, Rubens & Zanoli, Vinícius. 2019. “Black, LGBT and from the Favelas: An Ethnographic Account on Disidentificatory Performances of an Activist Group in Brazil.” Culture Unbound, 11 (1), 124-140.

Secular self-fashioning against “Islamization:” aesthetic body modification and female subjectivities among the secular middle class in Istanbul

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Scheer, M., Fadil, N. and B. Schepelern Johansen (eds). Secular Bodies, Affects and Emotions: European Configurations. Bloomsbury, pp. 109–22.

Liebelt, Claudia 2019: Secular self-fashioning against “Islamization:” aesthetic body modification and female subjectivities among the secular middle class in Istanbul. In: Scheer, M., Fadil, N. and B. Schepelern Johansen (eds). Secular Bodies, Affects and Emotions: European Configurations. Bloomsbury, pp. 109–22.

Aesthetic Citizenship in Istanbul: on manufacturing beauty and negotiating belonging through the body in urban Turkey

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Citizenship Studies 23(7): 686–702.

Liebelt, Claudia 2019: Aesthetic Citizenship in Istanbul: on manufacturing beauty and negotiating belonging through the body in urban Turkey. Citizenship Studies 23(7): 686–702.

Beauty and the Norm: debating Standardization in Bodily Appearance.

Beauty and the Norm

Claudia Liebelt

New York: Palgrave Macmillan | 2018

Appeared in: co-ed. with Ulf Vierke and Sarah Böllinger: Palgrave Studies in Globalization and Embodiment

Liebelt, Claudia 2018: (with Ulf Vierke and Sarah Böllinger), eds. Beauty and the Norm: debating Standardization in Bodily Appearance. Palgrave Studies in Globalization and Embodiment. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Reshaping ‘Turkish’ Breasts and Noses: on Cosmetic Surgery, Gendered Norms and the 'Right to Look Normal

Claudia Liebelt

New York: Palgrave Macmillan | 2018

Appeared in: Liebelt, C., Böllinger, S. and U. Vierke (eds). Beauty and the Norm: debating Standardization in Bodily Appearance. Palgrave Studies in Globalization and Embodiment, pp. 155–76.

Liebelt, Claudia 2018: Reshaping ‘Turkish’ Breasts and Noses: on Cosmetic Surgery, Gendered Norms and the 'Right to Look Normal. In: Liebelt, C., Böllinger, S. and U. Vierke (eds). Beauty and the Norm: debating Standardization in Bodily Appearance. Palgrave Studies in Globalization and Embodiment. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 155–76.

Gendering 'Everyday Islam': an introduction

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Contemporary Levant 3(1): 2–9, with Pnina Werbner

Liebelt, Claudia 2018: (with Pnina Werbner), Gendering 'Everyday Islam': an introduction. In: Contemporary Levant 3(1): 2–9.

Gendering “Everyday Islam”

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: co-ed. with Pnina Werbner: special journal issue of Contemporary Levant, 3 (1)

Liebelt, Claudia 2018: (with Pnina Werbner), eds. ‘Gendering “Everyday Islam”’, special journal issue of Contemporary Levant, 3 (1).

Beauty and the Norm: an Introduction

Claudia Liebelt

New York: Palgrave Macmillan | 2018

Appeared in: Liebelt, C., Böllinger, S. and U. Vierke (eds). Beauty and the Norm: debating Standardization in Bodily Appearance. Palgrave Studies in Globalization and Embodiment, pp. 1–19.

Liebelt, Claudia 2018: Beauty and the Norm: an Introduction. In: Liebelt, C., Böllinger, S. and U. Vierke (eds). Beauty and the Norm: debating Standardization in Bodily Appearance. Palgrave Studies in Globalization and Embodiment. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–19.

Tätowierte Tropen. Gestochene Geschichten aus Havanna.

Studien aus dem Münchner Institut für Ethnologie / Working Papers in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Bd. 22.

Severin Penger

München: Institut für Ethnologie, LMU München. | 2017

Appeared in: Studien aus dem Münchner Institut für Ethnologie / Working Papers in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Bd. 22.

Penger, Severin 2017: Tätowierte Tropen. Gestochene Geschichten aus Havanna. Studien aus dem Münchner Institut für Ethnologie / Working Papers in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Bd. 22. München: Institut für Ethnologie, LMU München. Online available:

Escola, política, família e religião: disputas em torno da chamada ideologia de gênero

Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Appeared in: with Rubens Mascarenhas Neto, Novos Debates: Fórum de Debates em Antropologia, 2 (2), 77-81.

Mascarenhas Neto, Rubens & Zanoli, Vinícius. 2016. “Escola, política, família e religião: disputas em torno da chamada ideologia de gênero.” Novos Debates: Fórum de Debates em Antropologia, 2 (2), 77-81.

Revolution ist auch Hautsache – Kubanische Tätowierungen zwischen Kunst, Kommerz und Widerstand.

Forschungsjournal LMU

Severin Penger

München: Institut für Ethnologie. | 2016

Appeared in: Ince, Miriam und Martin Sökefeld (ed.) Forschungsjournal 2015: 77-84.

Penger, Severin 2016: Revolution ist auch Hautsache – Kubanische Tätowierungen zwischen Kunst, Kommerz und Widerstand. In: Ince, Miriam und Martin Sökefeld (ed.) Forschungsjournal 2015. München: Institut für Ethnologie. 77-84. Online available:

Von philippinischen Altenpflegerinnen und Aufopferungen im "Gelobten Land" [On Filipina Carers of the Elderly and Sacrifices in the 'holy land']

Claudia Liebelt

Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. | 2016

Appeared in: Dachs, G. (ed.), Länderbericht Israel.

Liebelt, Claudia 2016: Von philippinischen Altenpflegerinnen und Aufopferungen im "Gelobten Land". [On Filipina Carers of the Elderly and Sacrifices in the 'holy land']. In: Dachs, G. (ed.), Länderbericht Israel. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

Grooming Istanbul: Intimate Encounters and Concerns in Turkish Beauty Salons

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 12(2): 181–202.

Liebelt, Claudia 2016: Grooming Istanbul: Intimate Encounters and Concerns in Turkish Beauty Salons. In: Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 12(2): 181–202.

Manufacturing Beauty, Grooming Selves: The Creation of Femininities in the Global Economy – An Introduction.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Sociologus 66(1): 9–24.

Liebelt, Claudia 2016: Manufacturing Beauty, Grooming Selves: The Creation of Femininities in the Global Economy – An Introduction. In: Sociologus 66(1): 9–24.

‘Desmanche’: notas sobre as disputas em torno da legitimidade das políticas LGBT no Brasil

Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Appeared in: with Thiago Falcão, Cadernos de Campo (USP, 1991), 24, 164-289

Zanoli, Vinícius & Falcão, Thiago. 2015. “‘Desmanche’: notas sobre as disputas em torno da legitimidade das políticas LGBT no Brasil.” Cadernos de Campo (USP, 1991), 24, 164-289.

Das große Stechen. Kulturgeschichte des Tätowierens in Bayern. Radio feature at Bayern 2

Severin Penger

Appeared in: Grasberger, Thomas (ed.) Das große Stechen. Kulturgeschichte des Tätowierens in Bayern.

Penger, Severin 2015: Das große Stechen. Kulturgeschichte des Tätowierens in Bayern. Radio feature at Bayern 2, Grasberger, Thomas, 53 Min. Online available: (25. April 2022)

The Gift of Care: on Filipina Domestic Workers and Transnational Cycles of Care.

Claudia Liebelt

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan | 2015

Appeared in: Alber, Erdmute and Heike Drotbohm (eds). Care on the Move. Anthropological perspectives on work, kinship, and the life course, 23–42.

Liebelt, Claudia 2015: The Gift of Care: on Filipina Domestic Workers and Transnational Cycles of Care. In: Alber, Erdmute and Heike Drotbohm (eds). Care on the Move. Anthropological perspectives on work, kinship, and the life course. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 23–42.

El concepto occidental de la prostitución en África

Diana Carolina Mignano

Appeared in: Memoria y Sociedad, v. 18, n. 37, 51-59. July.

Mignano, Diana (2014): El concepto occidental de la prostitución en África”. In: Memoria y Sociedad, v. 18, n. 37, 51-59. July.

Die Suche nach einem Ehemann im Kontext der Tourismusprostitution in Antananarivo (Madagaskar)

Diana Carolina Mignano

Appeared in: HIV & more, v.4, 30-33, Dez.

Mignano, Diana (2014): „Die Suche nach einem Ehemann im Kontext der Tourismusprostitution in Antananarivo (Madagaskar)“. In: HIV & more, v.4, 30-33, Dez. tourismusprostitution-in-antananarivo-madagaskar.shtml

The “Mama Mary” of the White City’s Underside: Reflections on a Filipina Domestic Workers’ Block Rosary in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Claudia Liebelt

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan | 2014

Appeared in: Fernandez, Bina and Marina de Regt (eds). Migrant Domestic Workers in the Middle East: The Home and the World, 95–116.

Liebelt, Claudia 2014: The “Mama Mary” of the White City’s Underside: Reflections on a Filipina Domestic Workers’ Block Rosary in Tel Aviv, Israel. In: Fernandez, Bina and Marina de Regt (eds). Migrant Domestic Workers in the Middle East: The Home and the World. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 95–116.

Review: Jafar, Afshan and Erynn Masi de Casanova (eds) - Global Beauty, Local Bodies.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Sociologus – Journal for Social Anthropology, 64(2): 242–244.

Liebelt, Claudia 2014: Jafar, Afshan and Erynn Masi de Casanova (eds). Global Beauty Local Bodies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Review in: Sociologus – Journal for Social Anthropology, 64(2): 242–244.

Cosmopolitics, oder: Migration als soziale Bewegung – Von Bürgerschaft und Kosmopolitismus im globalen Arbeitsmarkt [Cosmopolitics, or: migration as social movement – on citizenship and cosmopolitanism in a global labour market]

Claudia Liebelt

Wiesbaden: Springer VS | 2014

Appeared in: with Manuela Bojadzijev: Drotbohm, Heike und Boris Nieswand (eds). Kultur, Gesellschaft, Migration. Die reflexive Wende in der Migrationsforschung, 325–346.

Liebelt, Claudia 2014: (with Manuela Bojadzijev), Cosmopolitics, oder: Migration als soziale Bewegung – Von Bürgerschaft und Kosmopolitismus im globalen Arbeitsmarkt [Cosmopolitics, or: migration as social movement – on citizenship and cosmopolitanism in a global labour market]. In: Drotbohm, Heike und Boris Nieswand (eds). Kultur, Gesellschaft, Migration. Die reflexive Wende in der Migrationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 325–346.

Conference Report “100 Years Department of Social Anthropology at Leipzig University, 6–7 November 2014"

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Sociologus – Journal for Social Anthropology, 64(2): 235–237.

Liebelt, Claudia 2014: Conference Report “100 Years Department of Social Anthropology at Leipzig University, 6–7 November 2014.” In: Sociologus – Journal for Social Anthropology, 64(2): 235–237.

Processos políticos e a produção de papéis e significados: uma análise das relações entre o Estado e o movimento LGBT na criação do Centro de Referência GLTTB de Campinas SP

Vinícius Pedro Correia Zanoli

Appeared in: Primeiros Estudos, (4), 156-166

Zanoli, Vinícius, 2013. “Processos políticos e a produção de papéis e significados: uma análise das relações entre o Estado e o movimento LGBT na criação do Centro de Referência GLTTB de Campinas SP.” Primeiros Estudos, (4), 156-166.

Westliche Konzepte von Prostitution in Afrika

Diana Carolina Mignano

Appeared in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte APUZ, 63. Jahrgang, 9, 34-40.

Mignano, Diana (2013): „Westliche Konzepte von Prostitution in Afrika“. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte APUZ, 63. Jahrgang, 9, 34-40.

“The last to remember?” Von philippinischen Altenpflegerinnen und Aufopferungen im Gelobten Land [‘The Last to Remember?’ Of Filipina Care Workers for the Elderly and Sacrifices in the Holy Land]

Claudia Liebelt

Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag im Suhrkamp Verlag | 2013

Appeared in: Dachs, Gisela/ Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem (eds). Alter, 107–117.

Liebelt, Claudia 2013: “The last to remember?” Von philippinischen Altenpflegerinnen und Aufopferungen im Gelobten Land [‘The Last to Remember?’ Of Filipina Care Workers for the Elderly and Sacrifices in the Holy Land]. In: Dachs, Gisela/ Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem (eds). Alter. Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag im Suhrkamp Verlag, 107–117.

Consuming Pork, Parading the Virgin and Crafting Origami in Tel Aviv: Filipina Care Workers’ Aesthetic Formations in Israel.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Ethnos: journal of Social Anthropology, 78 (2): 255–279.

Liebelt, Claudia 2013: Consuming Pork, Parading the Virgin and Crafting Origami in Tel Aviv: Filipina Care Workers’ Aesthetic Formations in Israel. Ethnos: journal of Social Anthropology, 78 (2): 255–279.

On Global Happenings in the Name of Jesus, Rubbing Shoulders with VIPs and Domestic Work in the ‘Holy Land’: Notes on Celebrity and Blessing in the Filipino Diaspora.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: South East Asia Research, 19 (2): 225–248.

Liebelt, Claudia 2011: On Global Happenings in the Name of Jesus, Rubbing Shoulders with VIPs and Domestic Work in the ‘Holy Land’: Notes on Celebrity and Blessing in the Filipino Diaspora. South East Asia Research, 19 (2): 225–248.

Review: Encarnación Gutiérrez-Rodríguez - Migration, Domestic Work and Affect: a Decolonial Approach on Value and the Feminization of Labor.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Feminist Review, 99: e18–e20.

Liebelt, Claudia 2011: Encarnación Gutiérrez-Rodríguez: Migration, Domestic Work and Affect: a Decolonial Approach on Value and the Feminization of Labor. New York and London: Routledge, 2010. Review in: Feminist Review, 99: e18–e20.

On Gendered Journeys, Spiritual Transformations and Ethical Formations in Diaspora: Evangelical Filipina Care Workers’ Subjectivities in Israel.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Feminist Review, 97: 74–97.

Liebelt, Claudia 2011: On Gendered Journeys, Spiritual Transformations and Ethical Formations in Diaspora: Evangelical Filipina Care Workers’ Subjectivities in Israel. Feminist Review, 97: 74–97.

Film ‘Cycles of Care’

Claudia Liebelt

Liebelt, Claudia 2011: ‘Cycles of Care’ (with Lizza M. David), UK/Germany, length: 51:22 mins, HDV PAL 16:9 (colour), English/Hebrew/Tagalog with English and German subtitles

Caring for the ‘Holy Land’: Filipina Domestic Workers in Israel

Caring for the ‘Holy Land’: Filipina Domestic Workers in Israel

Claudia Liebelt

Oxford, New York: Berghahn | 2011

Liebelt, Claudia 2011: Caring for the ‘Holy Land’: Filipina Domestic Workers in Israel. Oxford, New York: Berghahn.

Sacred Journeys, Diasporic Lives: Sociality and the Religious Imagination among Filipinos in the Middle East.

Claudia Liebelt

London: Zed Books | 2010

Appeared in: with Mark Johnson, Deirdre McKay, Alicia Pingol and Pnina Werbner: Knott, Kim and Sean McLoughlin (eds). Diasporas: Concepts, Identities, Intersections, 217–222.

Liebelt, Claudia 2010: (with Mark Johnson, Deirdre McKay, Alicia Pingol and Pnina Werbner), Sacred Journeys, Diasporic Lives: Sociality and the Religious Imagination among Filipinos in the Middle East. In: Knott, Kim and Sean McLoughlin (eds). Diasporas: Concepts, Identities, Intersections. London: Zed Books, 217–222.

On Sentimental Orientalists, Christian Zionists, and ‘Working Class Cosmopolitans’: Filipina Domestic Workers’ Journeys to Israel and Beyond.

Claudia Liebelt

London, New York: Routledge | 2010

Appeared in: Constable, Nicole (ed.). Migrant Workers in Asia: Distant Divides, Intimate Connections, 13–26.

Liebelt, Claudia 2010: On Sentimental Orientalists, Christian Zionists, and ‘Working Class Cosmopolitans’: Filipina Domestic Workers’ Journeys to Israel and Beyond. In: Constable, Nicole (ed.). Migrant Workers in Asia: Distant Divides, Intimate Connections. London, New York: Routledge, 13–26.

Migration, Diaspora and Religious Pilgrimage in Comparative Perspective: Sacred Geographies and Ethical Landscapes.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: with Pnina Werbner and Gabriele Shenar, 19(1): 32–50.

Liebelt, Claudia 2010: (with Pnina Werbner and Gabriele Shenar), Migration, Diaspora and Religious Pilgrimage in Comparative Perspective: Sacred Geographies and Ethical Landscapes. Diaspora, 19(1): 32–50.

Der Traum von grüneren Weideflächen, globale Hierarchien des Verlangens und Überwindungen: Philippinische Frauen im Aufbruch [The dream of greener pastures, global hierarchies of desirability, and conquest: Filipina migrants on the go]

Claudia Liebelt

Bad Honnef: Horlemann | 2010

Appeared in: Reese, Niklas und Judith Welkmann (eds). Das Echo der Migration – Wie Auslandsmigration Gesellschaften  im globalen Süden verändert, 42–49.

Liebelt, Claudia 2010: Der Traum von grüneren Weideflächen, globale Hierarchien des Verlangens und Überwindungen: Philippinische Frauen im Aufbruch [The dream of greener pastures, global hierarchies of desirability, and conquest: Filipina migrants on the go]. In: Reese, Niklas und Judith Welkmann (eds). Das Echo der Migration – Wie Auslandsmigration Gesellschaften  im globalen Süden verändert. Bad Honnef: Horlemann, 42–49.

Becoming Pilgrims in the ‘Holy Land’: On Filipina Domestic Workers’ Struggles and Pilgrimages for a Cause.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 11(3): 245–267.

Liebelt, Claudia 2010: Becoming Pilgrims in the ‘Holy Land’: On Filipina Domestic Workers’ Struggles and Pilgrimages for a Cause. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 11(3): 245–267.

On Filipina caregivers and the limits of Israeli belonging, or: sentimental Zionism and the Solace of southern Tel Aviv

Claudia Liebelt

Bielefeld: transcript | 2009

Appeared in: Siebeck, Cornelia and Charlotte Misselwitz (eds). Dissonant Memories, Fragmented Present. Exchanging Young Discourses between Israel and Germany, 185–193.

Liebelt, Claudia 2009: On Filipina caregivers and the limits of Israeli belonging, or: sentimental Zionism and the Solace of southern Tel Aviv. In: Siebeck, Cornelia and Charlotte Misselwitz (eds). Dissonant Memories, Fragmented Present. Exchanging Young Discourses between Israel and Germany. Bielefeld: transcript, 185–193.

Review: Willen, Sarah S. (ed.) - Transnational Migration to Israel in Global Comparative Context.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35(7): 1243–1244.

Liebelt, Claudia 2009: Willen, Sarah S. (ed.): Transnational Migration to Israel in Global Comparative Context. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2007. Review in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35(7): 1243–1244.

Märtyrerinnen des Dollars? Philippinische Hausarbeiterinnen auf dem Weg gen Westen [Martyrs of the dollar? Filipina domestic workers going West]

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Paragrana. Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 18(2): 83–92.

Liebelt, Claudia 2009: Märtyrerinnen des Dollars? Philippinische Hausarbeiterinnen auf dem Weg gen Westen [Martyrs of the dollar? Filipina domestic workers going West]. In: Paragrana. Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 18(2): 83–92.

collaborative exhibition ‘Caring Voices – Living Images: Filipina domestic workers in Israel'

Claudia Liebelt

Liebelt, Claudia 2009: ‘Caring Voices – Living Images: Filipina domestic workers in Israel,’ collaborative exhibition on 14 panels of photographs and text

Review: Karakayali, Serhat - Gespenster der Migration. Zur Genealogie illegaler Einwanderung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: H-Soz-Kult, 23 December 2008, online at: <> (accessed 25 May 2016)

Claudia Liebelt (2008): Rezension zu: Karakayali, Serhat: Gespenster der Migration. Zur Genealogie illegaler Einwanderung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bielefeld 2008 , ISBN 978-3-89942-895-7,, In: H-Soz-Kult, 23.12.2008, .

‚Touristinnen, nicht Arbeiterinnen!’ Philippinische Pflegekräfte in Israel auf Pilgerfahrt im ‚Heiligen Land’ [‘Tourists, not workers!’ Filipina care workers in Israel on pilgrimage in the ‘holy land’]

Claudia Liebelt

Bielefeld: transcript | 2008

Appeared in: Lauser, A.and C. Weißköppel (eds). Migration und religiöse Dynamik. Ethnologische Religionsforschung im transnationalen Kontext, 173–195.

Liebelt, Claudia 2008: ‚Touristinnen, nicht Arbeiterinnen!’ Philippinische Pflegekräfte in Israel auf Pilgerfahrt im ‚Heiligen Land’ [‘Tourists, not workers!’ Filipina care workers in Israel on pilgrimage in the ‘holy land’]. In: Lauser, A.and C. Weißköppel (eds). Migration und religiöse Dynamik. Ethnologische Religionsforschung im transnationalen Kontext. Bielefeld: transcript, 173–195.

‘We are the Jews of Today’ – Filipino Domestic Workers in Israel and the Language of Diaspora.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Hagar – Studies in Culture, Polity and Identities, 8(1): 105–128.

Liebelt, Claudia 2008: ‘We are the Jews of Today’ – Filipino Domestic Workers in Israel and the Language of Diaspora. Hagar – Studies in Culture, Polity and Identities, 8(1): 105–128.

On Sentimental Orientalists, Christian Zionists, and ‘Working Class Cosmopolitans’: Filipina Domestic Workers’ Journeys to Israel and Beyond.

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: Critical Asian Studies, 40(4): 567–585.

Liebelt, Claudia 2008: On Sentimental Orientalists, Christian Zionists, and ‘Working Class Cosmopolitans’: Filipina Domestic Workers’ Journeys to Israel and Beyond. Critical Asian Studies, 40(4): 567–585.

Die Aneignung der ‚Schwarzen Stadt’: Illegalisierung, Transnationalität und migrantische Kämpfe im kosmopolitischen Raum Tel Avivs [The Appropriation of the ‘Black City’: Illegalisation, Transnationality and Migrants’ Struggles in the Cosmopolitan Space of Tel Aviv]

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 37(4): 547–560.

Liebelt, Claudia 2007: Die Aneignung der ‚Schwarzen Stadt’: Illegalisierung, Transnationalität und migrantische Kämpfe im kosmopolitischen Raum Tel Avivs [The Appropriation of the ‘Black City’: Illegalisation, Transnationality and Migrants’ Struggles in the Cosmopolitan Space of Tel Aviv]. In: PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 37(4): 547–560.

A puestas del Sol en el Mineral der San Antonio

Diana Carolina Mignano

Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | 2006

Appeared in: Artikel und Dokumentartranskription in: Repensando a Policéfalo: diálogos con la memoria histórica a través de documentos de archivo: siglos XVI al XIX.

Mignano, Diana (2006): „A puestas del Sol en el Mineral der San Antonio." Artikel und Dokumentartranskription in: Repensando a Policéfalo: diálogos con la memoria histórica a través de documentos de archivo: siglos XVI al XIX. Bogotá, Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

“…there was no single Internet cafe” – Philippinische Traumproduktion und der ‘Westen,’ oder: Warum philippinische Transmigrantinnen Israel provinziell finden [“…there was no single Internet cafe” – Filipino dream production and the ‘West,’ or: why Filipina transmigrants think Israel is provincial]

Claudia Liebelt

Appeared in: kommunikation@gesellschaft, 7 (2), online at (accessed 25 May 2016)

Liebelt, Claudia 2006: “…there was no single Internet cafe” – Philippinische Traumproduktion und der ‘Westen,’ oder: Warum philippinische Transmigrantinnen Israel provinziell finden [“…there was no single Internet cafe” – Filipino dream production and the ‘West,’ or: why Filipina transmigrants think Israel is provincial]. In: kommunikation@gesellschaft, 7 (2), online at (accessed 25 May 2016)

En busca de símbolos: los intérpretes de tramas de significación

Diana Carolina Mignano

Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | 2003

Appeared in: Memoria y Sociedad, Vol. 7, Nr. 14, S. 125-131.

Mignano, Diana (2003): „En busca de símbolos: los intérpretes de tramas de significación." In: Memoria y Sociedad, Vol. 7, Nr. 14, Bogotá, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, S. 125-131.