Teaching: Winter Term 2024-2025
Please consult the course catalogue and the respective Blackboard courses for information on each course. Please find a list of courses offered at the Division Communication Theory/Media Effects down below. For any remaining questions, please contact student assistants Jelte Reinhardt, Kristian Hristov or the secretariat (Antje Wolters).
Course List
BA-Module "Introduction to Media and Communication Studies"
The seminar will be held in-person. Please find all further information in the Blackboard course.
S 28512: Einführung in die politische Kommunikationsforschung [Introduction to Political Communication Research]
Lecturer: Dennis Steffan
Contact: Kristian Hristov
BA-Module "Media Effects and the Public"
The seminars will be held in-person. Please find all further information in the Blackboard courses.
V 28560: Einführung in die empirische Kommunikationsforschung [Introduction to Empirical Communication Research]
Lecturer: Barbara Pfetsch
Contact: Jelte Reinhardt
S 28561: Einführung in die Medienwirkungsforschung [Introduction to Media Effects Research]
Lecturer: Dennis Steffan
Contact: Kristian Hristov
S 28562: Einführung in die empirische Kommunikationsforschung [Introduction to Empirical Communication Research]
Lecturer: Baoning Gong
Contact: Jelte Reinhardt
S 28563: Empirical Communication Research
Lecturer: Barbara Pfetsch
Contact: Jelte Reinhardt
MA-Module "Theories and Findings in Political Communication Research" (MA Media and Political Communication)
The seminar will be held in-person. Please find all further information in the Blackboard course.
V 28810: Theorien und Befunde der politischen Kommunikationsforschung [Theories and Findings of Political Communication Research]
Lecturer: Barbara Pfetsch
Contact: Jelte Reinhardt
H 28811: Visuelle Politische Kommunikation (A) [Visual Political Communication (A)]
Lecturer: Dennis Steffan
Contact: Kristian Hristov
H 28812: Digitalpolitik - aktuelle Entwicklungen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene [Digital Policy - Current Developments at National and International Level]
Lecturer: Jeanette Hofmann
Contact: Jelte Reinhardt
H 28813: Visuelle Politische Kommunikation (B) [Visual Political Communication (B)]
Lecturer: Dennis Steffan
Contact: Kristian Hristov
MA-Module "Applied Communication Research" (MA Journalism and Communication)
The seminar will be held in-person. Please find all further information in the Blackboard course.
H 28812a: Digitalpolitik - aktuelle Entwicklungen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene [Digital Policy - Current Developments at National and International Level]
Lecturer: Jeanette Hofmann
Contact: Jelte Reinhardt
The division
Appointments for office hours can be arranged through contacting the instructors via e-mail. The main contact for organizational questions is Antje Wolters (antje.wolters@fu-berlin.de).
You will find occasional updates here on the division's webpages. We wish you a pleasant winter term of 2024-2025.
The Division of Communication Theory and Media Effects