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Information for Members of a Doctoral Commission

If you are not a member of the Department of Political and Social Sciences or have recently joined our faculty and consider acting as supervisor and first reviewer, second reviewer or further member of a doctoral commission we would like to provide you with information on your role in the doctoral procedure, the commitments you are about to make and the relevant requirements defined by the regulations for the conduct of doctoral examinations, the General Counsel or the competent Committee for Doctoral Examinations.

You´ll find detailed information for

and links with regard to the subject.


Chair of the Committee for Doctoral Examinations in the  
  Otto-Suhr-Institute of Political Science Prof. Dr. Gülay Çağlar
  Institute of Sociology Prof. Dr. Dieter Ohr
  Institute for Media and Communication Studies Prof. Dr. Martin Emmer
  Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt
Early Career Support Daphne Stelter
