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Dr. Friederike Beier

Friederike Beier 10_2023

Gender and Diversity Division


Ihnestr. 22
Room 218
14195 Berlin

Office hours

By request (please arrange appointments by email)

Webex: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/meet/friederike.beier

I am a research assistant (postdoc) at the Gender & Diversity Department at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science. In June 2023, I completed my PhD in Political Science on the topic 'Divide and Govern. The Global Quantification and Governing of Re_Productive Labor and Time'. In my dissertation, I dealt with the question of how quantification (re)produces gendered power relations. Through a Foucauldian genealogical discourse analysis, I traced the emergence and transformation of the global quantification of re_productive labor and time back to the first quantifications of labor in the 17th century and of time in the 19th century.

My research focuses on feminist state theory, theories and politics of time, and thinking together queer, decolonial and materialist feminist theories. I am co-editor of femina politica - Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft and publish books on the theories and struggles of social reproduction and materialist queer feminism with Unrast.

Personal Profile

June 2023: Doctorate in political science. Title of the dissertation project: Divide and Govern. The Global Quantification and Governing of Re_productive Labor and Time (grade: summa cum laude)

Since 2023: Co-editor of femina politica. Journal for feminist political science: https://www.budrich-journals.de/index.php/feminapolitica

since May 2023: Coordinator of the Diversity AG of the Department of Political and Social Sciences

04/2019-07/2019 Visiting Scholar at New York University, New York, USA

08/2018 - 06/2023 Research Affiliate at the Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS): https://www.scripts-berlin.eu/birt/bgts/

since 12/2016 Research Associate at the Gender & Diversity Research Unit at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science

2015/16 National expert in professional development in the field of gender and human rights at the EU Commission (DG DEVCO)

2013-2016 Government Councillor and employee of the Berlin Senate (gender equality policy, political education, Berlin elections)

2012-2013 Women's Representative at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin

2011 Graduated with a degree in social sciences. Thesis title: Gender Lost in Translation Gender mainstreaming concepts in development policy and their translation to the Cambodian context

2009 Research stay in Pnom Penh, Cambodia

2008 Semester abroad at the University of Ghana

2005-2011 Studied social sciences (political science, sociology and social psychology) at the University of Hanover

Winter semester 2023/24

15600 Vorlesung: Gender, Intersektionalität und Politik: Eine Einführung

15601 Seminar: Neuere Debatten zu Geschlecht, Intersektionalität und Politik

15143 Proseminar: Body Politics. Zur politischen Dimension von Körpern

15553 Kolloquium: Politikwissenschaftliche Geschlechterforschung Summer semester 23

15612: Deconstructing Eurocentrism: Decolonial Perspectives on Gender, Knowledge and Power

15602: Staat, Macht und Geschlecht: Materialistische und queer-feministische Staatstheorien

Summer semester 22

15147: GEND materializing feminism. Grundlagen eines materialistischen Queer-Feminismus

Winter semester 21/22

15147: (GEND) Zeit, Politik und Geschlecht. Feministische Perspektiven auf Zeitpolitik

Summer semester 21

15502: Theorien der Sozialen Reproduktion 

Winter semester 19/20

15006: (PS/MWA) Einführung in die feministische Staatstheorie Teil 1

15006a: (PS/MWA) Einführung in die feministische Staatstheorie Teil 2

Winter semester 18/19

(15213) (GEND) Globale Gouvernementalität, Biopolitik und Geschlecht

(15331) Aktuelle Gesellschaftskritik nach Foucault

Summer semester 18

(15324) (GEND) Globale Zeitpolitik und Ungleichheit

Winter Semester 17/18

(15210) Feministische Staatstheorie im Anschluss an Marx und Foucault

Summer semester 17

(15131) (GEND) Gender politics and feminist interventions in global governance

Winter semester  16/17:

Von der Hausarbeits- zur Care-Debatte: Einführung in die feministische politische Ökonomie

Summer semester 13
  • Gender goes Mainstream – Zur Institutionalisierung von Gender in der Entwicklungspolitik an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien.
  • Einführung in die Gender und Queer Studies an der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, Studiengang Soziale Arbeit.

PhD Project: Divide and Govern. The Global Quantification and Governing of Re_productive Labor and Time

Indicators and statistics are increasingly used by international organizations to quantify social issues. The feminist issue of re_productive labor is quantified through time use surveys and measured through indicators. While most feminist scholars welcome this development, literature on governing by numbers suggests investigating quantification systems for their knowledge and power effects. This research project questions the rationality of ‘measuring what counts’ as an instrument of government and asks how quantification (re)produces gendered power relations. It theorizes quantification systems as dividing techniques and applies a queer-feminist and decolonial Foucauldian research framework. A Foucauldian genealogical discourse analysis traces the emergence and transformation of the global quantification of re_productive labor and time back to the first quantifications of labor in the 17th century and time use surveys in the 19th century. It focuses primarily on policy documents by the League of Nations and the United Nations and analyzes quantification as international governing techniques, as well as their inscribed knowledges. I argue that quantification produces divisions and hierarchies that are based on Eurocentric and patriarchal knowledges. The analysis of power effects of quantification shows how re_productive labor is devalued, thereby exacerbating gendered as well as global inequality relations.

Research Interests:

  • materialist Queer-Feminism
  • Feminist State Theory
  • Politics of Time
  • Social Reproduction/ Caring Labor
  • Gender in Global Governance
  • Queer-feminist and decolonial theories
  • Governing of the Corona pandemic



2023: Feministische und dekoloniale Perspektiven auf Corona und Care – Einleitung, Femina Politica – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft, 1-2023, S. 9-24 (mit Prof. Gülay Çağlar und Prof. Patricia Graf): Link

2022: Kinder, Küche, COVID – Materialistisch-feministische staatstheoretische Perspektiven auf die Regierung von Care-Arbeit in der Pandemie, Femina Politica – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft, 1-2022, S. 87-95: Link

2022: Vorwort in 'Frauen und der Umsturz der Gesellschaft' von Mariarosa Dalla Costa, Unrast, Münster.

2021: Vorwort in 'Revolution at Point Zero. Hausarbeit,Reproduktion und feministischer Kampf' von Silvia Federici, Unrast, Münster.

2020: Depoliticising Gender Equality in Turbulent Times: The Case of the European Gender Action Plan for External Relations. In: Political Studies Review (https://doi.org/10.1177/1478929920929886) (with Prof. Gülay Çağlar)

2020: Rezension: Anna Hartmann: Entsorgung der Sorge - Geschlechterhierarchie im Spätkapitalismus. Femina Politica - Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft, 30(1), 168-170. https://doi.org/10.3224/feminapolitica.v30i1.26

2019: Feministisch Streiken. Ein Bericht über den Frauen*streik 2019, Femina Politica - Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft, 1-2019, S. 121-124: Link

2018: Marxist Perspectives on the Global Enclosures of Social Reproduction. In: tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society Vol 16 No 2 (2018) / Karl Marx @ 200: Debating Capitalism & Perspectives for the Future of Radical Theory: Link

2018: Soziale Reproduktion, doppelte Landnahme und internationale Polititik. In: Friederike Beier, Lisa Yashodhara Haller, Lea Haneberg (Hg.): materializing feminism. Positionierungen zu Ökonomie, Staat und Identität, Unrast, Münster.

2018: Plädoyer für einen materialistischen Feminismus (zusammen mit Lisa Yashodhara Haller und Lea Haneberg). In: Friederike Beier, Lisa Yashodhara Haller, Lea Haneberg (Hg.): materializing feminism. Positionierungen zu Ökonomie, Staat und Identität, Unrast, Münster.

2015: Care-Seiten der Utopie. In: Quer- das Gendermagazin der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin. Ausgabe 21/2015.

Edited volumes

2023: eds: Materialistischer Queerfeminismus. Theorien zu Geschlecht und Sexualität im Kapitalismus. Unrast, Münster

2023: Special Issue: Sorge in Zeiten der Pandemie. femina politica - Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft (01/2023) (together with Gülay Caglar and Patricia Graf)

2022: Louise Toupin: Lohn für Hausarbeit. Chronik eines internationalen Frauenkampfs. Unrast: Münster.

2022: Mariarosa Dalla Costa: Frauen und der Umsturz der Gesellschaft. Unrast: Münster.

2021: Silvia Federici: Revolution at Point Zero. Hausarbeit, Reproduktion und feministischer Kampf. Unrast: Münster.

2019: Friederike Beier, Lisa Yashodhara Haller, Lea Haneberg (eds.): materializing feminism. Positionierungen zu Ökonomie, Staat und Identität. Unrast, Münster (3rd edition in 2023).

Selected Papers and Presentations


Presentation: Materialistischer Queer-Feminismus. Überlegungen zu Geschlecht und Sexualität im Kapitalismus, Demoz, Ludwigsburg.


Online-presentation: COVID, Care und Kapitalismus: Feministische Perspektiven, 07.01.2022 im Rahmen der 'uni_sex Hochschultage zum Geschlechterverhältnis und darüber hinaus' an der Leibniz Universität Hannover.


Paper presentation: Care Regimes, Capitalism and COVID-19: Feminist Perspectives on the Governance of Care during the Corona Pandemic (with Prof. Dr. Gülay Çağlar) am 21.09.2021 on the panel Caring about and Care in Disasters: On Privileges, Marginalisation and the Making of Critical (Social) Infrastructure Protection auf der Konferenz Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS) 2021: https://www.needs2021.com/

Online-Workshop zum Thema 'Materialistischer Feminismus und Soziale Reproduktion' vom AK Feministische Theorien Freiburg zusammen mit dem AK Plurale Ökonomik Freiburg am 22.06.2021

Online-Presentation: Kinder, Küche, COVID am 01.06.2021 bei der Grünen Hochschulgruppe Duisburg-Essen.

Presentation: Biografische Werkstatt zu Silvia Federici von Frauenkultur Leipizig am 18.05.2021.


Online Presentation: Feminismus & Marxismus an der Universität Hannover im Rahmen der AStA-Hochschultage uni_sex.

Presentation: Materialistischer Feminismus in Theorie in Praxis im Rahmen der Reihe materializing feminism von der Gruppe Perspektive Solidarität (PSK): https://perspektive-solidaritaet.org/2020/01/materializing-feminism/


Paper: ‘The Appropriation of Feminist Knowledge through the Recognition of Social Reproduction’ bei der New School Graduate Conference ‘Radical Democracy’ in New York am 26. und 27. April 2019: http://www.radicaldemocracy.org/

Paper: ‘Social Reproduction and the Global Theft of Time’ bei der Anthropology Graduate Student Conference ‘Theft’ an der New School in New York am 27.April2019: https://events.newschool.edu/event/theft__anthropology_graduate_student_conference#.XKadv6ZCc1g


Paper: The Measurement of Social Reproduction as Governing Technology of Gender: 12th Pan-European Conference on International Relations in Prague, Czech Republic, 12-15 September 2018

Paper: Global Governmentality of Gender through Indicators and Time Use Surveys: ECPR General Conference, University of Hamburg, Germany, August 22-25 2018

Workshop: Marxismus und Geschlechterverhältnisse beim Kongress 'Marx 200' der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung in Berlin.

Presentation: Einführung in feministische Theorie und Praxis anhand historischer und aktueller Debatten in der Vorlesung von Frieder Otto Wolf: Radikale Philosophie Revisited | 11


Presentation: 'Die Vermessung von Ungleichheit und Geschlecht in den nachhaltigen Entwicklungszielen' der UN bei der 15. efas Fachtagung: Geschlecht in der aktuellen Ungleichheitsdebatte

Presentation: 'Gleichstellung für wen? Feminismus und die Politik der G20' bei der Veranstaltungsreihe Theorie und Praxis zu G20 von la:iz

Paper: 'The new Gender Action Plan (GAP) for EU External Relations – a Change or Setback in Transforming Gender Relations?' beim Workshop: Transforming Gender Relations in the World? Gender and Intersectionality in the European Union’s External Relations” by ACCESS EUROPE at the University of Amsterdam