Dr. Leslie Vinjamuri of SOAS University interviews Professors Tanja Börzel and Thomas Risse of the Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin on "Governance Without Hierarchy? Effective and Legitimate in Areas of Limited Statehood".
Prof. Dr. Börzel, Prof. Dr. Bluhm, Dr. Langbein, Dr. Libman, Prof. Dr. Inozemtsev
On occasion of the Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin Prof. Dr. Börzel, Prof. Dr. Bluhm, Dr. Langbein, Dr. Libman und Prof. Dr. Inozemtsev participated in a panel discussion on the relation of the European Union and Russia.
As leader deliberate over the path for the European Union, this village of 149 residents has become the unlikely scene of high-level confidential meetings about the Continent's future.
How could the current Afghanistan issue influence the next German Gernal Election on September, 27th? Christian Tuschhoff was interviewed by Deutsche Welle Radio concerning this topic.
Thomas Risse attended a workshop on „The Power of Human Rights – Ten Years After“ at the University of Wyoming in Laramine, WY/USA. Subject of the gathering was to discuss the progress of research on International Human Rights ten years after the publication of the book „The Power of Human Rights“ (ed. Thomas Risse, Stephen Ropp, Kathryn Sikkink, Cambridge UP 1999).
The meeting between Merkel and Obama comes amid persistent signs of tension between the popular leaders. Christian Tuschhoff has given an interview to AFP. A brief Summary can be found here.
60 Jahre Nato - "Die Parteien vereinbaren, dass ein bewaffneter Angriff gegen eine oder mehrere von ihnen in Europa oder Nordamerika als ein Angriff gegen sie alle angesehen wird..." Mit diesen Worten schlossen sich am 4. April 1949 zwölf Staaten zum wichtigsten Militärbündnis der Welt zusammen. Nun wird die Nato 60 Jahre alt.
On April 2, 2009 the Heads of States and Governments of the G20 Group will meet in London to discuss the current global economic crisis. What are the underlying conflicts and what new alliance will emerge from this crucial summit meeting? Deutsche Welle TV news magazine Journal covered these questions as topic of the day on March 26, 2009. Adjunct Professor Dr. Christian Tuschhoff has been interviewed for this report. The video of the report can be found here.
The kick-off event of the Forum Berlin. Politics and Academia in Dialogue was the conference 1989-2009: Remembering for the Future, held on 19/20 February 2009. Contemporary witnesses, policy-makers and scholars from academic institutions and think tanks debated the significance of the watershed year 1989 for current and future political events worldwide. The fact is: the world-shattering fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of a divided Europe and at the same time heralded the rise of new global dangers and challenges that can only be mastered globally. Twenty years after the end of the Cold War, we must answer the following questions: What is the international community’s response to current threats and challenges such as terrorism, the financial crisis and climate change? And: How can Europe bring its experience to bear and assume its global responsibility?
Hand in Hand oder doch weiter alleine? Das amerikanisch-europäische Verhältnis: Alle Hoffnungen ruhen auf Obama - Auch die Europas. Nachdem das europäisch-amerikanische Verhältnis in den letzten Jahren eher abgekühlt ist, soll nun neue Einigkeit her. Doch die Herausforderungen sind groß: Wirtschaftskrise, Sicherheitspolitik und Umwelt erfordern enge Abstimmungen und Kompromissbereitschaft.