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Prof. Kathrin Zippel, PhD

Institute of Sociology

Gender Studies


Please note: Prof. Zippel will be out of office 7.8. - 26.8.2024

Kathrin Zippel is Einstein Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at the Free University of Berlin. Zippel was a co-chair of the Social Exclusion and Inclusion Seminar at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies Harvard University and a residential fellow at the Women and Public Policy Program at the Harvard Kennedy School. She served as co-PI of Northeastern’s National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation grant. She also held a Humboldt Research fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich and was a guest at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the WZB Social Science Research Center in Berlin, and the European University Institute in Florence. Zippel received a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and held a postdoctoral position at the European Union Center of New York at Columbia University.




Zippel, KathrinWomen in Global Science: Advancing Academic Careers through International Collaboration. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 2017

  • Author-Respondent at Author-Meets-Critic Panels at the Social Science History Association, November 2017, the Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation, October 2017, and the Eastern Sociological Association, February 2017.
  • Feature article Chronicle of Higher Education (April and on “recent book shelf” March)
  • Reviews appeared in Australian University’s Review, Choice, Contemporary Sociology, Gender & Society, Gender Work & Organization, and Political Studies Review.

Zippel, Kathrin. The Politics of Sexual Harassment: A Comparative Study of the United States, the European Union and Germany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

  • Author-Respondent at Author-Meets-Critic Panels: Law and Society Meetings, Berlin, Germany 2007; Eastern Sociological Association Meetings, Philadelphia, 2007 and Boston, 2006; Council for European Studies Meetings, Chicago, 2006.
  • Reviews appeared in American Journal of Sociology, Sociological Forum, Gender & Society, Mobilization, European Journal of Women’s Studies, Politische Vierteljahreszeitschrift, Journal of Politics, Politics and Gender, Law and Politics Book Review, Monthly Review of Law Books, and Social Policy & Administration: An International Journal of Policy and Research.

* indicates graduate student co-author

Gates, Alexander J., Jessica R. Gold, Laura K. Nelson, and Kathrin Zippel. 2024. “ Translating interdisciplinary knowledge for gender equity: Quantifying the impact of NSF ADVANCE.” Social Science Quarterly 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1111/ssqu.13339

Gold, Jessica R., Alexander J. Gates, Syed A. Haque, Miranda C. Melson, Laura K. Nelson, and Kathrin Zippel. 2022. The NSF ADVANCE Network of Organizations. ADVANCE Journal special issue on the 20 year anniversary of ADVANCE. https://doi.org/10.5399/osu/ADVJRNL.3.1.3

Nelson, Laura and Kathrin Zippel. 2021. “From Theory to Practice and Back: How the Concept of Implicit Bias was Implemented in Academe, and What this Means for Gender Theories of Organizational Change.” Gender & Society 35(3): 330-357.

Zippel, Kathrin and Myra Marx Ferree. 2019.“Organizational Interventions and the Creation of Gendered Knowledge: U.S. Universities and NSF ADVANCE.”Gender, Work & Organization. 26 (6):805-821 DOI: 10.1111/gwao.12290.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2019. “Gendered Images of International Research Collaboration.” Gender, Work & Organization. 26 (12): 1794-1805. (Special Issue in Memory of Joan Acker 1924-2016) DOI: 10.1111/gwao.12233.

Uhly, Katrina*, Laura Visser* and Kathrin Zippel. 2017. “Gendered Patterns in International Research Collaborations in Academia.” Studies in Higher Education. 42 (4): 760-782.

Zippel, Kathrin, Myra Marx Ferree and Karin Zimmermann. 2016. “Gender Equality in German Universities: Vernacularizing the Battle for the Best Brains.” Gender and Education 28 (7): 867-885.

Ferree, Myra Marx and Kathrin Zippel. 2015. “Gender Equality in the Age of Academic Capitalism: Cassandra and Pollyanna Interpret University Restructuring.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society 22 (4): 561-584.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2011. “How Gender Neutral are State Policies on Science and International Mobility of Academics?” Sociologica 5 (1): 1-17.

Frehill, Lisa M. and Kathrin Zippel. 2011. “Gender and International Collaborations of Academic Scientists and Engineers: Findings from the Survey of Doctorate Recipients, 2006.” Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 97 (1): 49-69.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2009. “The European Union 2002 Directive on Sexual Harassment: A Feminist Success?” Comparative European Politics 7 (1): 139-57.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2004. “Transnational Advocacy Networks and Policy Cycles in the European Union: The Case of Sexual Harassment.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society 11 (1): 57-85.

Morgan, Kimberly and Kathrin Zippel. 2003. “Paid to Care: The Origins and Effects of Care Leave Policies in Western Europe.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society 10 (1): 49-85.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2003. “Practices of Implementation of Sexual Harassment Policies: Individual versus Collective Strategies.” Review of Policy Research 20 (1): 175-97.


Zippel, Kathrin. 2021. “#MeToo in Professional Associations: Harassment, Gender and Power.” Pp. 139-161 in Gender, Power and Higher Education in a Globalised World: Where to Now? edited by Pat O’Connor and Kate White. London: Palgrave.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2016. “Pathways for Women in Global Science.” Pp. 169-182 in Reconsidering the Pipeline? Pathways, Potholes, and the Persistence of Women in STEM Fields, edited by Enobong Hannah Branch. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Frehill, Lisa M., Alice Abreu, and Kathrin Zippel. 2015. “Gender, Science and Occupational Sex Segregation.” Pp. 51-80 in Advancing Women in Science: An International Perspective, edited by Willie Pearson, Jr., Lisa M. Frehill and Connie McNeely. New York: Springer.

Lubitow, Amy* and Kathrin Zippel. 2014. “Strategies of Academic Parents to Manage Work-Life Conflict in Research Abroad.” Pp. 63-84 in Advances in Gender Research, vol. 19,edited by Marcia Segal, Catherine Berheide, and Vasilikie Demos. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2009. “The Missing Link for Promoting Gender Equality: Family-Work & Anti-Discrimination Policies.” Pp. 209-29 in Gender Equality: Transforming Family Divisions of Labor, edited by Janet Gornick and Marcia Meyers with a preface by Erik Wright. Brooklyn: Verso.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2008. “Violence at Work? Framing Sexual Harassment in the European Union.” Pp. 60-80 in Gender Politics in the Expanding European Union: Mobilization, Inclusion, Exclusion, edited by Silke Roth. Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2004. “Implementing Sexual Harassment Law in the United States and Germany.” Pp. 341-65 in Equity in the Workplace: Gendering Workplace Policy Analysis,edited by Heidi Gottfried and Laura Reese. Oxford: Lexington Books.

Zippel, Kathrin. 1996. “Nichts mehr als sexuelle und politische Korrektheit? Sexuelle Belästigungsrichtlinien an Amerikanischen Hochschulen” (“Nothing Other than Sexual and Political Correctness? Policy Measures against Sexual Harassment and Sex Discrimination in the United States”). Pp. 83-102 in Peinlich Berührt: Sexuelle Belästigung an Hochschulen (Shamefully Touched: Sexual Harassment in Universities), edited by Hadumod Bussmann and Katrin Lange. München: Frauenoffensive.

Zippel, Kathrin. 1994. “‘Die Realität sieht in den USA nicht viel besser aus, aber es ist wenigstens ein Thema!’ Sexuelle Belästigung an US-amerikanischen und bundesdeutschen Hochschulen im Vergleich” (“‘In Reality It’s Not Much Better in the United States, But at Least It’s an Issue for Discussion!’ Sexual Harassment in Higher Education in the United States and Germany in Comparative Perspective”). Pp. 82-96 in Feministische Erbschaften-Feministische Erblasten (Feminist Inheritance: Feminist Burdens of Inheritance), edited by Heike Kahlert and Elke Kleinau. Hamburg: IZHD-University of Hamburg.


Zippel, Kathrin. 2021. “USA Country Dossier.” For the Study of the Potential of International Mobile Women Scientists for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation conducted by CEWS, GESIS, Cologne.

Zippel, Kathrin and Rebekah Getman. 2018. “Engaging Graduate Students in Research Networks: Confidence, knowledge, and skills for interdisciplinary collaboration.” Evaluation report of the Research Coordination Network on Sustainable Energy Systems (RCN-SEES) at the University of Arizona is a pilot program for experiential graduate education. Prepared with funding from the NSF, ECCS #1140190.

Abreu, Alice, Lisa M. Frehill and Kathrin Zippel. 2012. “Workforce Sex Segregation.” Pp. 81-86 in Blueprint for the Future: Framing the Issues of Women in Science in a Global Context: Summary of a Workshop. National Academies Press.

Hogan, Alice, Kathrin Zippel, Lisa M. Frehill, and Laura Kramer. 2010. “Report of the International Workshop on International Research Collaboration.” Prepared with funding from the NSF, OISE #0936970.

Frehill, Lisa M. and Kathrin Zippel. 2010. “Survey of Doctorate Recipients, 2006: Findings on International Collaborations of Academic Scientists and Engineers.” Technical report prepared with funding from the NSF, OISE #0936970.

Frehill, Lisa M. and Sorina Vlaicu, and Kathrin Zippel. 2010. “International Scientific Collaboration: Findings from a Study of NSF Principal Investigators.” Technical report prepared with funding from the NSF, OISE #0936970.

Zippel, Kathrin. Amy Lubitow*, Emily Smykla*, Saleha Chaudhry*, and Katrina Uhly*. 2010. ADVANCE Internal Research Report: International Research Collaborations. Prepared with funding from the NSF, HRD #0811170. (unpublished)*

Smykla, Emily* and Kathrin Zippel. 2010. “Literature Review: Gender and International Research Collaboration.” Report prepared with funding from the NSF, OISE #0936970.*

Baer, Susanne, Lucy Nowottnick, Maria Bustelo, Emanuela Lombardo, Amaia Pérez-Orozco, Myra Marx Ferree, Kristy Kelly, Mieke Verloo, and Kathrin Zippel. 2009. “Manual for Gender+ Trainers and Commissioners.” Report prepared with funding from the European Union-United States Atlantis Grant Program, U.S. Department of Education and European Commission.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2007. “Sexual Harassment.” In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by G. Ritzer. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2006. “Gender Equality Politics in the Changing European Union: The European Union Anti-Discrimination Directive and Sexual Harassment.” Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Working Paper No. 134 (revised version published in Comparative European Politics,see above).

Zippel, Kathrin. 2006. “Gender Equality Politics in the Changing European Union: The European Union Anti-Discrimination Directive and Sexual Harassment.” Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Working Paper No. 134. (revised version published in Comparative European Politics;see above). In French: “Le processus d’adoption de la Directive Européenne du 23 septembre 2002 sur l’égalité de traitement.” Association Européenne contre les Violences faites aux Femmes au Travail (AVFT).

Connolly, Helen, Kimberly J. Morgan and Kathrin Zippel. 2005. “Evaluation for a Proposed Change in Parental Leave.” Recommendation written as Consultant for Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (German Institute for Economic Research) commissioned by German Federal Ministry of Women.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2003. “Transnational Actors in the European Union: The Role of Transnational Expertise in Political Processes.” In Entstaatlichung und soziale Sicherheit: Verhandlungen des 31. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Leipzig 2002, edited by Jutta Allmendinger. Opladen: Leske & Budrich.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2002. “Sexual Harassment and Transnational Relations: ‘Why Those Concerned with German-American Relations Should Care.’” Working Paper Series, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2001. “Politische Gelegenheitsstrukturen von frauenpolitischen Forderungen in den USA, der EU, und der BRD im Vergleich” (“Political Opportunity Structures for Demands for Gender Equality in the U.S., EU and Germany”). Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen, 14 (2): 92-94.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2000. “Costs of Sexual Harassment for U.S. Employers.” Written as Consultant for the Structural Mediation Project on Gender Culture in the Workplace, directed by Prof. Doris Jansen and Dr. Barbara Degen, University of Essen, funded by the German Federal Ministry on Women.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2000. “Mainstreaming in the European Union: From Sexual Harassment to Mobbing in the Workplace,” Newsletter Europe NYC, New York Consortium for European Studies, edited by Center for European Studies, New York University, 10-2.

Zippel, Kathrin. 1999. “Country Reports on Austria.” Pp. 47-55 in Sexual Harassment at the Workplace in the European Union. Luxembourg: European Commission.

Zippel, Kathrin. 1999. “Country Reports on Germany.” Pp. 78-90 in Sexual Harassment at the Workplace in the European Union. Luxembourg: European Commission.



2018    Review of Ann McGinley, Masculinity at Work: Employment Discrimination through a Different Lens (New York: New York University Press, 2016). Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Summer issue. With Ethel Mickey*.

2012    Review of Katja M. Guenther, Making Their Place: Feminism after Socialism in Eastern Germany (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010). Gender & Society. 26 (4):671-73.

2009    Review of Transforming Science and Engineering, edited by Abigail Stewart, Janet Elizabeth Malley, and Danielle LaVaque-Manty (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2007). Review of Policy Research 26 (6):890-92.

2008    Review of Gendering Knowledge Economy: Comparative Perspectives,edited by Sylvia Walby, Heidi Gottfried, Karin Gottschall and Mari Osawa (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). Economic Sociology, European Electronic Newsletter 9 (2):26-27.

2005    Review of Gendering Europeanisation, edited by Ulrike Liebert (New York: Peter Lang 2003. Contemporary Sociology,34 (2): 177-8.

2003    Review of Angelika von Wahl, Gleichstellungsregime: Berufliche Gleichstellung von erwerbstätigen Frauen in den USA und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Gender Equality Regimes: Equality of Working Women in the USA and Germany). Contemporary Sociology, 32 (1): 14-16.

2001    Review of Angelika von Wahl, Gleichstellungsregime: Berufliche Gleichstellung von erwerbstätigen Frauen in den USA und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen (Research Journal of New Social Movements), 14 (2): 135-37.


2023. Gülay Çağlar and Kathrin Zippel. Artikel in Forschung & Lehre Ausgabe 4/23. "Top-down oder Bottom-up? Universitäten müssen beim Thema Diversität das Heft in die Hand nehmen"

Interview. 2019. “How Gender Bias excludes Women from International Scientific Collaboration.” 

Interview. 2018. “Top Tips for Building and Maintaining International Collaborations.” Nature 560, 401-402. 

Zippel, Kathrin. 2017. “Global Academia – The New Gendered Frontier for Sociologists?” Sociologist for Women in Society Newsletter.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2017. “Women in International Research Collaborations: The Role of Professional Associations.” AWIS Association for Women in Science Magazine 50 (2): 32-35, 57.

Zippel, Kathrin. 2017. “Hey Jane! Becoming internationally engaged.” Retrieved May 18, 2017 http://socwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/Hey-Jane_41_Zippel.pdf

Zippel, Kathrin. 2017. “Here’s one way to help women in science: Support international collaborations.” Washington Post: Monkey Cage. Retrieved April 22, 2017 

Zippel, Kathrin. 2017. “Sexual Harassment in Research Abroad.” inside higher education: Conditionally Accepted. Retrieved March 31, 2017

Zippel, Kathrin. 2017. “Women and the World in Academia: How the global character of higher education has given women a leg up in STEM fields.” Retrieved March 8, 2017. 

Interview about book in Chronicle of Higher Education: Monaghan, Peter. 2017. “A Strategy to Transcend Gender Inequities.” Retrieved April 23, 2017 

Interview about Glass Fences article appeared in Times Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, and Science Magazine Careers, 2015.

Newsletter University of Miami, College of Arts & Sciences, SEEDS Event, Dec. 17, 2014.

Interviewed for BBC online, March 25, 2011.

Frehill, Lisa M. and Kathrin Zippel. 2010. “Statistics: International Collaboration – Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Discipline Issues.” AWIS Association for Women in Science Magazine 41 (1):39-42.

Interviewed for the Magazine du Sénat, broadcast on TV France, 3 Jan. 25, 2005.

Ferree, Myra Marx and Kathrin Zippel. 2005. “Mehr Fairness wagen: Myra Marx Ferree und Kathrin Zippel plädieren als amerikanische Wissenschaftlerinnen für das deutsche Antidiskriminierungsgesetz” (“Daring More Fairness: Myra Marx Ferree and Kathrin Zippel Argue as American Scientists for the German Antidiscrimination Law”). Op-Ed Piece on the debates about the German antidiscrimination law, Die Welt, April 10, 10.

Cited in article about gender discrimination and harassment, “Sex-Bias Suits: The Fight Gets Ugly,” Business Week, Sept. 6, pp. 24-26, 2004.