Book Launch - Andrea Fleschenberg, Kai Kresse and Rosa Cordillera Castillo: Thinking with the South. Reframing Research Collaboration amid Decolonial Imperatives and Challenges
Lecture and Book Launch by Andrea Fleschenberg, Kai Kresse and Rosa Cordillera Castillo within the Berlin Anthropology Seminars
Thinking with the South. Reframing Research Collaboration amid Decolonial Imperatives and Challenge. Berlin: De Gruyter 2023. Open Access.
This volume brings together a series of discussions by scholars from a range of disciplinary, (trans)regional and epistemic perspectives that came out of the Berlin-based "co2libri" networking initiative, with longstanding collaborative partners based in the global South. "Co2libri" stands for "conceptual collaboration: living borderless research interaction". As an interdisciplinary and transregional oriented initiative, co2libri envisages a multi-centric perspective that integrates neglected positions of Southern theory and praxis into the heart of academic conversations. Co2libri’s collaborative endeavour builds on long-standing active connections with partners in Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Instead of setting an agenda from the North, it proposes to figure out ways forward through collaborative engagement, building on relationships of mutual trust. Using formats that facilitate substantial and open-ended discussion, we are re-thinking theory and method, academic practices, and research ethics, while keeping material inequalities in view. – Contributors to this edited volume are working toward the implementation of various innovative activities, research perspectives and collaboration formats which all subscribe to the principle of dialogue on equal footing with scholars and activists based in divergent positionalities along and beyond the Global North-South divide. In different ways, the authors work toward the goal of producing more adequate, and more sensitive, critical knowledge, and applying a fresh view to approach, methods, and ethical standards. Overall, the volume works with alternative frames of reference while it presents diverse theorizations of lived experiences.
Link to the book:
This lecture is part of the bi-weekly Berlin Anthropology Seminars. This series constitutes a joint initiative by anthropologists from the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology at FU Berlin, ZMO, and Ethnologisches Museum. It intends to shape and cultivate an inclusive platform and open regular meeting point for exchange and discussion on current research by Berlin-based anthropologists. Please spread the word among colleagues, junior or senior, who may be interested. For further questions contact
Organizers: Paola Ivanov, Claudia Liebelt, and Kai Kresse.
Zeit & Ort
24.01.2024 | 16:15 - 17:45
FU Seminar Centre, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195
Berlin, room L116. Or online in our Webex room.
meeting ID: 2730 256 0409; password: BASwinter2023-24