University of Florida, Jan 2007-May 2011: PhD in Anthropology.
University of Florida, August 2003-December 2006: Master of Arts, Anthropology.
State University of New York at Albany, NY, August 2001-May 2003: Master of Arts, African and African American Studies.
University of Victoria (British Columbia, Canada), September 1996-December 2000: Bachelor of Arts, Honors. Double major in Anthropology and History.
Research Interests
Biomedical anthropology, anthropology of the state, African Studies, transnationalism, global studies, science and technology studies, politics of knowledge, methodology and qualitative methods
Fellowships, Assistantships and Grants
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad fellowship to conduct dissertation research in Tanzania, December 2007-December 2008.
- Grinter Fellowship for academic years 2007-2009, provided by the Graduate School of the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Florida.
- West African Research Association (WARA) Graduate Assistantship (academic year 2005-2006).
- Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships (academic years, 2003-2005). University of Florida.
- Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad (Summer 2004), hosted by the University of Georgia: 7-week intensive Swahili course in Tanzania.
- Graduate Assistantship, for the academic year 2002-2003 on matching funds to the Ford Foundation funded grant to E. Acosta-Belen and C. Bose for 2001-2002.
- Graduate Assistantship, funded by the Ford Foundation on a grant to E. Acosta-Belen and C. Bose, on “Gender Studies in Global Perspective” for the academic year 2001-2002.
2011. Noelle Sullivan. "Mediating Abundance and Scarcity: Implementing an HIV/AIDS-Targeted Project Within a Government Hospital in Tanzania". In: Medical Anthropology 30 (2): 202-221.
2010. Noelle Sullivan, Hansjörg Dilger and David Garcia. "Negotiating Professionalism, Economics and Moral Obligation: An Appeal for Ethnographic Approaches to African Medical Migration". In: African Diaspora 3 (2): 237-254.
Conference Presentations
2004. “Alternative Medical Modernities: Creative Adaptation in the History of Missionary Medicine in Tanganyika.” African Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
PhD Research
I am currently completing 12 months dissertation field research on the outskirts of Arusha, Tanzania. My work has been investigating the ways that privatization of medicine has affected medical practice. In particular, I have been exploring how global, multi-national, and national organizations’ philosophies and priorities have been negotiated and have influenced the opportunities and constraints experienced by health care workers at the micro level—within a Tanzanian hospital. The project considers furthermore how privatization of the health sector and the new policies and programs that have come about as a result bring together a new and dynamic coalescence of forces into the space of the Tanzanian government hospital.
I am using participant observation, archival research, and individual and group interviews with officers within the Tanzanian Ministry of Health, representatives within various development and volunteer organizations, hospital workers, and patients to investigate the ways that global and state forces articulate with one another on the macro scale, and how this then translates to the hospital level. My project investigates the politics of these interactions, and what this context means for the people who work within this system and for those who use it in order to achieve better health for themselves and their relatives. The larger goal of the project is to theorize the space between policy and practice. The research will be completed in December 2008.