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Müge Akpinar

Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

PhD Research on ''Cultivating Muslim Healthy Selves: 'True Medicine', Virtue Ethics, and Everyday Islam in Istanbul" (Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies)

Müge Akpinar

Karoline Buchner

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin & Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

Promotionsforschung im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts “Taiwans prekäre Partnerschaften: Chinesische Medizin als Form von public und everyday diplomacy in „südwärts“ gerichteten Global Health Kooperationen”


Hellena Debelts

Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

Forschung: "Networking with Viruses – A multispecies ethnography of zoonotic viral pathogen circulation in The Gambia and in international transdisciplinary health research"


Kathrin Bauer

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Birgitt Röttger-Rössler)

Promotionsforschung: Diversity or Disfunction. Bio-social-cultural Influences on Life with ADHD (traits) in two Colombian Communities.

+49 30 838 66041

Kathrin Bauer

Julia Nina Baumann

Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)

PhD Project: "Courage, fear, distress, rage, and love in a culture of no-feeling - Ethnographers’ Emotional Experience in Everyday academic worlds" (Cumulative Dissertation)


Leonie Benker

Doktorand / PhD candidate (PD Dr. Jonas Bens)


Tirthankar Chakraborty

Doktorand / PhD candidate (PD Dr. Jonas Bens)

Project title: ‘Pedagogy of Fear’: An Ethnohistorical study of the institutionalisation of fear to create a subservient citizenry. (DAAD Doctoral Fellow)

Photo Tirthankar Chakraborty

Florin Cristea

Wiss. Mitarbeiter und Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)

DFG-Projekt: "Afflicted Minds – ‘Madness’, Morality, and Emotions in rural Bali (and Timor)"

+49 30 838 55444

Florin Cristea photo

Sara El-Dayekh

Doctoral candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)

Doctoral Research on "What do migrant divorcees in Germany cry about when they cry their divorce? A sensitive look at post-divorce loss(es) and disenfranchised grief"


Asli Gücin

Doctoral candidate (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

Doctoral Research on "Assimilation by Dispossession: Eco-Political Implications of Transforming the Sacred Nature of Dersim"

Sarah Hartmann

Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

Doctoral Research: The Role of Islam in the Informal Education Sector - An Ethnographic Study of Private Tutoring Centers in Egypt

Sarah Hartmann

Anna Helfer

PhD candidate at Freie Universität/ Leibniz Institut Moderner Orient (Prof. Dr. Kai Kresse)

PhD Project "Recent debates on the idea of Negritude in Dakar's Contemporary Art: Appropriation and Demarcation Processes as an Artistic Strategy of a Decolonial Practice" (working title)

Anna Helfer photo

Annett Hoffmann

Doctoral candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)

Doctoral research: Methoden Kinderzentrierter Forschungen: Zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft

Liese Hoffmann

Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

PhD Research: Politics and Meanings of School in Post-Colonial, Coastal Kenya (Funding: Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies)

Iftikhar Hussain

Doctoral candidate (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

PhD Research on "Divided Families and Belonging in Kargil"


Eva Sophia Kirmes

Doktorandin /Doctoral candidate (Prof. Dr. Stephanie Schütze)

Doctoral research: Aspirations for socio-ecological transformation – Indigenous women’s collective action for food sovereignty and anticipation of climate change

Eva Kirmes

Lotte Knote

Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Kai Kresse) seit 2019

Doctoral research: "A feminist political ecology of seaweed farming: gendered livelihood strategies in aquaculture in the Western Indian ocean"

Binyamin Lawal

Doktorand / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger); Förderung: Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies / DAAD

PhD Research on "Expansion of the Sacred into the Public Space: Spatial Contestation between Muslims and Christians in Plateau State, Nigeria"

Binyamin Lawal

Angela Robin Murtha

Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)

PhD Project: “The (Re)building of Trust: A Case Study of Refugees Living in Germany”

Profile Photo_AMurtha

Maximilian Aaron Müller

Doctoral Candidate (Prof. Dr. Anita von Poser)

Project: Affects and Processes of Institutionalization in Vietnamese Carescapes of Berlin

+49 30 838 67761

Lauren Reid

Doktorandin/ PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)

PhD Project "Thinking Beyond the Final Frontier: Cosmic Futures in Thailand"

Lauren Reid photo

Irina Savu Cristea

Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka); sonstige Mitarbeiterin im VW-Projekt "MoRePPaR" (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

PhD Project "Emotional regimes, personhood, and self-making practices among young women in North Bali – Pedagogies of self meet collaborative methodologies"

Irina Savu Cristea photo

Franziska Seise

Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Birgitt Röttger-Rössler)

Promotionsforschung: Diversität (er-)leben und Integration (mit-)gestalten

20240508 Franziska Seise

Huong Giang Thierbach

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin im SFB 1171 (Prof. Dr. Röttger-Rössler)

Promotionsforschung: Die Großelternrolle in vietnamesischen Familien

+49 30 838 67652

giang portrait

Panos Tsitsanoudis

Doktorand / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)

Working title of the PhD Project: Deadly intimacies, gendered deaths: A critical psychological anthropological inquiry of intimate femicidal violence in Greece

Simon Mutebi

Assoziiertes Mitglied der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health

Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Dar es Salaam

Simon Mutebi

Grace Lanek Oroma

Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

Forschungsthema: "Care and care practices during and after Ebola outbreaks: An ethnographic study of frontline health workers and Ebola survivors of the Ebola outbreak in Gulu in 2000/01, Uganda"

Grace Lanek Oroma

İlke İmer

Ph.D. candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt)

Research Assistant at Collaborative Research Centre 1171 Affective Societies; PhD Project: Olfactory Belongings: Contested Scents in Urban Publics

+49 30 838 71701

İlke İmer

Doaa Kaddah

PhD Candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt and PD Dr. Samuli Schielke)

PhD Project: Our Green Clean Maadi: Dialectical Imagination and Material (Re)formation of an Egyptian Elite Town

Doaa Kaddah

Gaofeng Qi

Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

Promotionsforschung: "Cochlear Implants and Care Trajectories in Urban China" (Förderung: DAAD & Graduate School East Asian Studies)


Carlos Rocha

Doktorand (Prof. Hansjörg Dilger)

Projekt: "A journey to master infections: an ethnography about capacity building on infection prevention and control (IPC) travelling to Guinea and Ivory Coast"

Foto Carlos Rocha

Diana Carolina Mignano

PhD Candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt)

Research project: Intimate Liaisons of Malagasy Women


Max Schnepf

Wiss. Mitarbeiter und Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

Promotionsforschung im DFG-Projekt "PrEP-Intimitäten in Berlin: Affektive Ambivalenzen und verkörperte Subjekte der biomedizinischen HIV-Prophylaxe"

+49 30 838 69092

Max Schnepf

Melissa Sivri

PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt)

Research Project: "Post-Feminist Riders: Non-Male Motorcyclists in Turkey”

Melissa Sivri

Mayıs Tokel

PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt)

Research Assistant at Collaborative Research Centre 1171 Affective Societies; PhD Project: Olfactory Belongings: Contested Scents in Urban Publics

+49 30 838 70985

Mayıs Tokel

Niu Zhuo

Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)

Doctoral research "COVID-19 at the Chinese Border: Ethnographic Research on a Border City in Yunnan" (Förderung: DAAD & Graduate School East Asian Studies)

Zhou Niu

Erin Kelso

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin (Dr. Jürgen Schaflechner)

Mitarbeit in dem VW-Freigeist-Projekt "The Populism of the Precarious: Marginalization, Mobilization, and Mediatization of South Asia's Religious Minorities"


Henrike Kraul

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt), Bibliotheksbeauftragte

Promotionsprojekt: “Dressing the Self – Formations of (bi)sexual and gender identities in Copenhagen, Denmark”

+49 30 838 55926


Severin Penger

Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt)

Promotionsprojekt: „Spuren einer Stadt: Tätowierungen in Neapel“

SFB 1171 Affective Societies
Berlin Southern Theory Lecture