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Buchreihe Global Communcations

Global Communications Series

Global Communications Series
Bildquelle: openbookpublisher.com

Global Communications is a new book series that looks beyond national borders to examine current transformations in public communication, journalism and media. Books in this series will focus on the role of communication in the context of global ecological, social, political, economic, and technological challenges in order to help us understand the rapidly changing media environment. We encourage comparative studies but we also welcome single case studies, especially if they focus on regions other than Western Europe and North America, which have received the bulk of scholarly attention until now.

Empirical studies as well as textbooks are welcome. Books should remain concise and not exceed 300 pages but may offer online access to a wealth of additional material documenting the research process and providing access to the data. The series aspires to publish theoretically well-grounded, methodologically sound, relevant, novel research, presented in a readable and engaging way. Through peer review and careful support from the editors of the series and from the editorial team of Open Book Publishers, we strive to support our authors in achieving these goals.

Global Communications is the first Open Access book series in the field to combine the high editorial standards of professional publishing with the fair Open Access model offered by OBP. Copyrights stay where they belong, with the authors. Authors are encouraged to secure funding to offset the publication costs and thereby sustain the publishing model, but if no institutional funding is available, authors are not charged fees. Any publishing subvention secured will cover the actual costs of publishing and will not be taken as profit. In short: we support publishing that respects the authors and serves the public interest.

Go to the website: https://www.openbookpublishers.com/section/100/1


The series in a nutshell

  • Exploring media and communications in a changing and interconnected world.
  • Fair Open Access model: authors are encouraged to secure funding but not required to do so in order to publish.
  • Peer review and professional publishing standards.

Founding editors of the book series

Michael Brüggemann
Chair of Communication Studies, Climate and Science Communication, Universität Hamburg
Research profile: Transnational communication, comparative journalism studies, climate and science communication
Area studies expertise: Europe, US Publications: bruegge.net

Sven Engesser
Chair of Communication with a focus on Science and Technology Communication, Technische Universität Dresden sven.engesser@tu-dresden.de Research profile: Science communication, Technology communication, Political communication, Health communication, International comparative research, Media systems
Area studies expertise: Europe, US
Publications: Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Carola Richter

Professor for International Communication, Freie Universität Berlin carola.richter@fu-berlin.de Research profile: Media systems, Media and Transformation, Social Movements and Protest communication, Media and migration, Foreign news reporting
Area studies expertise: Arab and Islamic countries, China

Merlyna Lim
Canada Research Chair in Digital Media & Global Network Society, School of Journalism & Communication, Carleton University Merlyna.Lim@carleton.ca Research profile: Social movements, Collective Actions, Media and communication systems, Digital media, Social media and the Internet, Citizen participation, Control and Censorship, Spatial justice, Spatiality of media, Algorithmic cultures
Area studies expertise: Southeast Asia

Ingrid Bachmann

Associate Professor and Director of the School of Journalism, Facultad de Comunicaciones, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ibachman@uc.cl Research profile: News narratives; Journalism practice; Gender and news; News socialization; Gender and political communication
Area studies expertise: Latin America 
Publications: Google Scholar

Marie-Soleil Frère (died in 2021)
Director of Research at the National Fund for Scientific Research and Professor in Media Studies at the Université libre de Bruxelles; affiliation: FNRS/ULB
Research profile: Media systems in Subsaharan Africa; Media, conflicts and peace-building in Central Africa; Journalism practices and identities in Francophone Africa
Area studies expertise: Francophone Subsaharan Africa
