Dr. Hania Sobhy

Gastwissenschaftlerin / EUME-Fellow 2012/13
by individual arrangement
- Biographical data
- Research and teaching positions
- Publications
- Awards & Distinctions
- Presentations and workshops
Hania Sobhy completed her PhD in Politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies in 2012. Her thesis looked at secondary schools in Cairo as institutions where citizens encounter the state and are disciplined into gendered and classed subjects through relations of marketization, violence and humiliation. It examined the nationally unified textbooks and the schools themselves as spaces where national identity and citizenship were constructed and contested within the authoritarian, neoliberal and Islamist projects of the late Mubarak era. She has taught Middle East Politics, International Relations and Comparative Politics at SOAS, Exeter, and McGill Universities and presented and published on Islamist and post-Islamist discourses and different aspects of education policy and practice in Egypt. She has worked in development policy research and project evaluation in Egypt since 2004. As a postdoctoral fellow with the EUME Program in Berlin, her current research is on the discourses, mobilization practices and trajectories of pro-‘Revolution’ activists in Egypt.
Biographical data
2007 - 2012
Doctor of Philosophy, Politics and International Studies at School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Thesis Title: Education and the Production of Citizenship in the Late Mubarak Era: Privatization, Discipline and the Construction of the Nation in Egyptian Secondary Schools.
2001 - 2002
Master of Arts- Political Science- Political Economy & Comparative Politics at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
1997 - 2000
Bachelor of Arts - Double Major: Economics and Political Science at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Freshman Year- Arts, American University in Cairo (AUC), Egypt.
Research and teaching positions
Oct. 2012- Jul. 2013
Postdoctoral Fellow, EUME, Forum Transregionale Studien - Based at Center for Middle Eastern & North African Politics, Otto-Suhr-Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität, Berlin.
Working title: ‘Revolutionary’ Mobilization in the 2012 Presidential Elections: Youth Discourses, Practices and Trajectories in the Sabahi and Abul-Futuh Campaigns.
Oct. 2011-Apr. 2012
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Politics and International Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Course: Government and Politics of the Middle East.
- Oct. 2006-June 2007
Teaching Assistant, Department of Politics, Univ. of Exeter
Course:Globalization of World Politics (International Relations Theory).
- Sept.2004-6:
Research Officer, Egypt Education Reform Program (ERP), Cairo, Egypt.
- May2003-Sept2004:
Research Assistant, Arab Families Working Group, AUC
- Oct 2002-May 2003:
Teaching Assistant, Misr International University, Cairo.
Courses: Economic Development, International Economics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Mathematics for Business and Economics.
- Fall 2001, Winter 2002:
Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science, McGill University
Courses: Introduction to Comparative Politics, International Politics of Economic Relations.
- Sobhy, Hania. 2012. The De-Facto Privatization of Secondary Education in Egypt: A Study of Private Tutoring in Technical and General Schools. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 42 (1): 47-67.
- Sobhy, Hania. 2009 [2011]. Amr Khaled and Young Muslim Elites: Islamism and the Consolidation of Mainstream Muslim Piety in Egypt. In Cairo Contested: Governance, Urban Space and Global Modernity, edited by Diane Singerman. Pp. 415- 454. Cairo: American University Press.
- Sobhy, Hania. 2007. Reading Reform into the Past: Power and the Islamist Articulations of Muslim History. Quest Spring. Available at: http://www.qub.ac.uk/sites/QUEST/FileStore/Issue4PerspectiviesonPowerPapers/Filetoupload,71746,en.pdf.
Awards & Distinctions
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Sept 2007- Sept 2010: Research Student Fellowship and ORSAS scholarship (Overseas Research Students Award Scheme).
University of Exeter Oct 2006-Sept 2009: Three-Year Politics Department PhD Studentship [Declined for 2007-2009], Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences maintenance stipend [Declined]; and Exeter Research Scholarship [Declined]
McGill University: 2002: Differential Fee Waiver, 2000: Graduated with Great Distinction; and 1998-1999: McGill University: Dean's Honour List.
American University in Cairo: 1996-1997: Dean’s List, 1997: Academic Achievement Scholarship, 1996: Matriculation Scholarship.
Presentations and workshops
EUME Summer Academy 2012: Presentation and participation in summer academy: “Aesthetics and Politics: Counter-Narratives, New Publics, and the Role of Dissent in the Arab World”, organized by EUME at American University in Cairo, September 16-27, 2012.
Presentation: Education and Employment. Chatham House Roundtable Discussion: The State of Education in Egypt, Chatham House, London, UK, January 19, 2012.
Presentation: On Schooling and Youth Protest. Conference: The Future of Egypt, London, UK, August 13, 2011.
Presentation: Nation, State and Belonging in Cairene Secondary Schools. Conference: British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Annual Conference, Exeter, UK, June 27-29, 2011.
Guest Lecture: Religion in the Egyptian Revolution 2011, March 9, 2011. Course: Islam and Modernity, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, King’s College London.
Presentation: Political Economy and Social Policy in Secondary School Curricula and Classrooms in Contemporary Egypt. Conference: World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain, July 19-24, 2010.
Presentation: Class, Gender, Work and Fun: Secondary School Student Discourses on Education and Work in Egypt. Conference: 16th International Conference on Learning, Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Barcelona, Spain, July 1-4, 2009.
Presentation: Public Pre-University Education in Egypt and Avenues for Volunteerism. Program: Making a Difference, AISEC, American University in Cairo, March- April, 2009.
Presentation: In School, Making Citizens: Researching Political Identity and Education in Developing Countries. Conference: Adventures in Methodology, Ethics and Fieldwork, British Association for International Education- Centre for International Education, University of Sussex, UK, June 5, 2008.
Paper: Reading Reform into the Past: Power and the Islamist Articulations of Muslim History. Conference: Perspectives on Power, Queen’s University, Belfast, March 2-3, 2007.
Paper: The Difficult Path of Post-Islamism: The Case of Jamal al-Banna. Conference: Beyond History, University of Exeter, May 29-30, 2007.
Presentation: Justice as Voice? Decentralization as a Policy Choice in Education Reform. Conference: Development as Justice, Oxford, UK, June 23, 2007.
Paper: Egyptian Press Coverage of the Muslim Brotherhood Participation and Performance in the 2005 Parliamentary Elections in Egypt. Conference: Second World Congress on Middle East Studies Association, Amman, June 11-16, 2006.
Paper: Youth, Amr Khaled and the Construction of a New Mainstream Religiosity in Egypt. Conference: MESA (Middle East Studies Association) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 20-23, 2004.